Part 2: Aren't You a Little Short for a Supervillain?

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 As Jesse made her way down through the corridors of Hit the Target's fortress, she noticed a brighter room at the end of a hallway.

"That's most likely where Hit the Target is, there's absolutely no way a room would stand out that much and not be important," Jesse concluded.

A cave spider leapt on top of her from a dark corner of the ceiling. It wrapped its large, hairy legs around her body and knocked her to the ground. Jesse struggled to free herself from its grip, but she managed to pull her sword arm out of its grasp and skewer it through the abdomen.

"That's enough from you," Jesse muttered. The cave spider rolled over on its back and died as Jesse got up from the ground.

When Jesse reached the end of the hallway, she saw Hit the Target sitting on a golden throne in a spacious room with quartz walls and a nether brick floor.

Hit the Target had pale green skin that seemed almost corpse-like, piercing pitch black eyes, gray hair, and a gray mustache. He was clad in a red helmet with ornate gold designs and red armor with gold accents.

"I thought you'd be here earlier, Ms. Taber. Did you get lost in my fortress?" Hit the Target said. Jesse narrowed her eyes.

"Oh. I'm sorry to keep his excellency waiting," Jesse spat. Hit the Target clicked his tongue in disapproval.

"Have you no respect?" Hit the Target asked.

"My respect has to be earned. So far, you've done nothing to impress me," Jesse retorted. Hit the Target rose from his throne and unsheathed his diamond sword.

"Well, it seems this is the perfect opportunity to earn your respect. I'm sure it will be impressive when I kill you," Hit the Target replied. He charged at Jesse with his sword, and she did a back handspring to avoid the attack.

Jesse did a series of quick swipes in an attempt to strike Hit the Target, but he dodged them or blocked them with his sword.

"You're agile and strong, but your technique is poor. It's clear your prowess with a sword was greatly exaggerated," Hit the Target taunted. He attempted to stab her with his sword and she executed a quick dodge roll.

"And it's clear your height was greatly exaggerated. I was under the impression that you were around two hundred centimeters tall, but you're actually around one hundred and fifty centimeters at best," Jesse taunted. Hit the Target rolled his eyes and glared at her.

"I'll have you know I'm over six feet tall, you smart-mouthed girl," Hit the Target snapped. Jesse smirked at him.

"That's with platform heels, right?" Jesse asked. Hit the Target's nostrils flared, Jesse slashed at his legs with her sword, and the loud "clang" of the sword impacting Hit the Target's metal armor rang out through the air. "Yes! That hit!" Jesse cheered. Hit the Target looked at her with searing hatred. His injury seemed to barely phase him.

"Do you truly think you've beaten me by putting a dent in my armor?" Hit the Target hissed.

"Uh... no. But it would be nice if that was true," Jesse replied. Hit the Target grabbed her by the arm, but she managed to break away. Hit the Target struck Jesse with his sword, which caused her to stumble backwards.

"I don't think you understand, Jesse. This is my base of operations. I know every last corner of this place, and this is foreign territory to you. Why would you put yourself at that disadvantage?" Hit the Target said.

"...You've got to be kidding. I wasn't going to wait around for you to leave your base because it would be easier to fight you elsewhere. Unlike you, I'm not a coward," Jesse responded. Hit the Target raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Because the way I see it, I'm a tactician who waits to strike at the perfect moment and you're recklessly rushing into a situation you're not prepared for. That's a fatal mistake," Hit the Target explained. Jesse stifled a laugh.

"Oh, I'm prepared. You're just failing to comprehend my strategy," Jesse retorted.

Hit the Target struck her again, but this time she stood her ground.

"Don't get too distracted by the sound of your own voice, Taber," Hit the Target chuckled. Jesse narrowed her eyes and swung her sword at his head, but Hit the Target dodged it.

"Yet another sloppy attack," Hit the Target sighed.

"Shut. Up," Jesse growled.

"You aren't getting... frustrated, are you?" Hit the Target chuckled. She clashed swords with him to block another one of his attacks.

"Well, I'd appreciate it if you could be less annoying," Jesse retorted. Hit the Target attempted to strike her with his sword, but she did a back handspring to dodge it.

"You seem primarily on the defensive. Are you even trying to win this fight?" Hit the Target responded. Jesse smirked at Hit the Target, and he raised an eyebrow. "...You aren't, are you?"

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