The Elevator

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Thorn: Alright, let's go over the facts

Thire: Fox has a major crush on Senator Riyo Chuchi

Stone: So major, in fact, he gets all flustered around her

Ahsoka: Little does he know that Riyo also has a huge crush on him

Padme: But of course, she has no idea that Fox likes her as well

Thorn: But it's pretty obvious to everyone else that they like each other

Ahsoka: You should see the way they act around each other when they get caf in the mornings...

Thire: So we're going to help them out...

Stone: Sure we can't just send Senator Chuchi a text that says, "Fox likes u" ?

Padme: No! They need to tell each other! It'll be more romantic that way

Thire: True, but Fox is reeeeally bad at flirting

Padme: So was An-

Ahsoka: ?

Padme: What are we doing? We're wasting time! Thorn, the plan

Thorn: Right Senator. We're going to make sure Fox and Riyo get in the same elevator, and then we're going to lock the doors. It'll seem like a malfunction. Worried that this might be their last moment together, they'll finally tell each other how they feel

Ahsoka: It's perfect! What could go wrong?

Thire: A lot, but it's worth a try

Stone: Unless Fox finds out about this. Then he'll kill us. 

Ahsoka: You're joking, right?




Padme: ...Alright, places everyone! 

Riyo is walking down the hall when Padme and Ahsoka come up to her

Riyo: Oh! Padme! Ahsoka! Good morning! 

Ahsoka: Morning. 

Padme: Where are you headed?

Riyo: Back to my office. I have some work I need to get done

Ahsoka: Oh! Don't use that elevator! 

Riyo: Why?

Padme: Because, um, someone farted in there, and it smells awful

Ahsoka: Use the one down the hall. Trust us

Riyo: Okay? See you guys later?

Ahsoka: Yess!!! 

Padme: Target one, in position! 

Thire: Now for target two...

Thorn: There's only one thing that'll make Fox drop everything....

Fox: Why are you guys just standing around when-

Stone: They installed a new caf machine! 

Fox: WHERE????

Thire: The main floor. Better hurry before there's a line! 

Thorn: Use the other elevator! That one has a spider in it! 

Stone: That was fast. 

Fox dashes into the elevator, only to find Riyo inside as the door closes

Riyo: Oh, hello Fox! 

Fox: Senator Chuchi. Nice to see you 

Riyo: You as well

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