Mother Dearest

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IG @ pretty_book_worm_

The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

Adrian closed the door behind him and that's when my father cleared his throat.

This is awkward.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked aiming my question at my father. He was about to respond but the woman responded instead.

"Kenneth thought it was a good idea to come to visit you, we tried calling but you never answered your phone." She said, her tone, still cold.

I kept my eyes on my father.

"How'd you get inside Dad?" I asked and he chuckled.

"You leave your spare key in the same place as always." He said and I smiled a little.

"Who is this man Tyana? Does Jeremiah know that you're bringing other men into your home?" My mother asked and I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"Kathy, I told you that they stopped dating a long time ago." My dad chimed in looking up at my mother, she scowled before returning her gaze to me. Disgust was clear on her face.

"Jeremiah was the perfect man for you, he was in church and was very respectful." She said looking me up and down.

I laughed before turning to face Adrian, "Can you go into my room please, I'll sort this out." I said, his face was hard, his fists were clenched at his sides and his jaw was clenching and unclenching.

He looked pissed. But this is my battle, not his. He looked down at me and I pleaded to him with my eyes. He nodded and bent down to place a kiss on my forehead before walking off toward my room.

As he was passing my mother she turned to look at him and she scoffed.

"This is the type of man who you're attracted to? With tattoos? Tyana you know what the Bible says about those." She said and Adrian kept walking to my room, I'm glad he did if he said something she would've prolonged the argument.

"I don't know how you can come into my home and insult me and my friend. You haven't said one good thing since Adrian and I got here." I said putting down my purse and taking off my heels.

My father rubbed his temples, I know he hates when we argue but she just rubs me the wrong way.

Katherine moved from behind the couch and sat beside my dad.

"Ladies, please, no arguing. Let's talk as a family." My dad said gesturing for me to have a seat beside him.

I sighed deeply before sitting beside him, he smiled at me and I returned it.

"Now Tyana, as you know your mother is sick. We want to have a family dinner so we can all talk out our issues and try to move forward before it's too late." My dad explained and I nodded, I wasn't opposed to the idea of a family dinner.

"I keep telling Kenneth that there are no issues and this is a big waste of time but he doesn't want to listen to me."

"Of course uh neva see nuh issue wid nuhtn yet," I rolled my eyes and she gasped.

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