Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardy

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Cassopedia woke up and brushed her teeth and washed her face and looked through the mirror.

After being satisfied Cassopedia decided to pack her things

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After being satisfied Cassopedia decided to pack her things. Just then hermon entered the room. "My beautiful Cassopedia this box has been in our family since our ancestors. This is for you, to put your jewelry in when you go to Hogwarts. " "Thanks mom it looks beautiful."  Cassopedia picked up the trunk put her jewlery in it then put it in her other trunk.

Cassopedia father drove her to the station

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Cassopedia father drove her to the station. Her father said goodbye and Cassopedia went to find a compartment. She opened 1 compartment and opened it to find a boy with green eyes sitting in it. " Hey can I sit here?" "Sure" said the boy.

" I'm Cassopedia Legar"

" I'm Harry Potter"

" Nice to meet you"

" You as well "

She and Harry talked a little bit when another boy entered the compartment.

" What's with this compartment and boys" said Cassopedia grumply.

Harry said " I'm Harry Potter and this is Cassopedia Legar"

" Cassie for friends if you don't mind. I don't know what my mother was thinking when she named me.

" I'm Ronald Weasley. You can call me Ron".

Just like that they spent the rest of the time eating and talking about Quidditch. Cassopedia thought that she was not going to be alone this year.

A Legar At Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now