Chapter 28: Love Line-Angle

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Albedo had just left the Dragon Keep. It was in the morning, around eleven o'clock. Exiting, she noticed Moona talking to Reina by the tree outside the Lunarium Academy. "Just who I was looking for..." She thought to herself. She approached, though they didn't seem to notice her, as they were facing the other way. They were silent until Reina spoke up. "Moona...I...I wanted to tell you something..." She said, "Is that why you brought me to this...tree? This tree sure sees a lot of action, doesn't it...?" Moona asked. Reina let out a nervous laugh. "I-I guess so, yeah..." She answered, "You seem nervous. That's a bit unusual...are you alright? You're turning uh...every color you shouldn't be." Moona said, "I-I'm fine...I just..." Reina stopped herself, trying to find her words. At that moment, her gaze tilted toward Albedo. "Albedo!" She shouted. Albedo jumped at the shift in her tone! "Wh-What?!" She asked, "S-Sorry, I didn't see you there..." Reina said. Moona turned to face her, waving casually. Reina shuffled awkwardly. "Well...I'm...I'm gonna go. Bye! See you later, Moona!" She exclaimed, "Huh? Weren't you going to tell me something?" Moona asked. Without answering, Reina ran off as fast as she could! "She seemed to be in a hurry..." Albedo said, "What do you think she wanted to tell me?" Moona asked, "Huh? Wh-Why would I know?" Albedo asked in response, "I don't know, you were listening in on our conversation so I figured you might've known." Moona answered, "Ah...sorry..." Albedo said, "It's fine. Sometimes it's hard to find the right time to join a conversation. I once had to give a letter to Marin's mother, but she was in the middle of a conversation about how her grandma died. It was...uh...pretty awkward." Moona responded, "That does sound pretty awkward..." Albedo said. The conversation trailed off, and Albedo simply stood there uncomfortably. 

"So did you want to talk to me, or did you just come to make me feel short?" Moona asked, "R-Right...I...wanted to ask you about last night." Albedo answered, "Ah, that. Water under the bridge, really! I consider you a friend, and I wouldn't jeopardize our friendship over a matter like that. As you said, it was an unfortunate misunderstanding. One that had a heavy price...but a misunderstanding nonetheless. I should have been more careful." Moona said, "Right...but...was it all a misunderstanding? Gabriella seems to think you were there for more than just the murders." Albedo asked, "And what exactly does she think I was doing there?" Moona asked in response, "Well, Anwir mentioned an old man. And given the circumstances, Gabriella thinks that old man is that Raime guy." Albedo answered, "I'm gonna have to stop you there. Raime is like a second father to me. He's been there for me entire life. He would never associate with people like Anwir." Moona said, "Hmm...Gabriella seems certain it was him. She thinks he hired Anwir to kidnap Lucille so the Arvanians would be out of the way." Albedo responded, "He...he would never do that. There's no way..." Moona said. She seemed uncertain, despite defending him. "Are you sure? You seem...uncertain." Albedo responded, "Some of his methods are...unorthodox. He's done some very questionable things in the past, but in the end, it's all for the greater good. In order to reach the universal peace my father sought...sacrifices must be made. But not like that. He wouldn't do that..." Moona said, "That's just what he told you..." Albedo responded, "And you heard that where, exactly?" Moona asked. 

She seemed quite annoyed all of the sudden, causing Albedo to hold her hands out defensively. "I-I didn't mean anything by that..." She said, "Did Sammy put you up to this?" Moona asked, "S-Sammy? No..." Albedo responded, "Then how did you know it was Raime who told me the truth about my father?" Moona asked, "How do you even know it's the truth? Your father never told you that, right? Raime could just as easily be taking advantage of you." Albedo asked in response. Less than a second later, her breath caught in her throat. She had let her thoughts slip and said something that she should have kept to herself. For the first time since she arrived, Moona looked angry. "You know...I've been very courteous to you, Albedo. I've given you everything I can. My friendship, the friendship of my companions. I've sided with you in battle. I've invited you into my home. I've accepted you and forgiven your wrongdoings at every turn. Yet just keep doubting me. You send the Arvanians behind my back to go unite the Kingdoms against me. You assume the worst in me after you discover what happened in Arvan. You deny me the right to justice against the Arvanians after they murder my men. Then you see fit to come accuse me of having a hand in that royal guard being kidnapped. And now you want to tell me that I've been lied to for my entire life? I've given you nothing but kindness and love. I thought that by now there would be some kind of reciprocation. So why do you keep doubting me? Why do you keep assuming the worst of my Covenant? I just want peace and friendship. Am I in the wrong for that? Am I a villain for that?" She asked. 

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