Chapter 40: The Death Parade

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Asami sprinted out of the Dragon Keep, rapidly scanning the surrounding area for Albedo. There was no sign of her, but she could see plumes of smoke throughout the city. The Twilight Covenant would truly go to any lengths for the artifact. Fortunately, the only citizens that weren't evacuated were hiding in the Keep, protected by some of Celestia's finest. At the very least, they would likely make it out safely. Suddenly, a hand gripped Asami's shoulder! She jolted, spinning around and shoving the perpetrator's arm away! To her surprise, it was Kei! "Don't scare me like that!" Asami exclaimed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. But where have you been? Where is Albedo? The Covenant is flooding into the city!" Kei asked, "Moona flew off with Albedo! We need to find her quick!" Asami answered, "What?! Where did they go?!" Kei asked, "That's what I intend to find out." Asami answered. At that moment, a familiar figure ran by. It was Astella! She was running off into the city! "Astella?! Wait!" Asami exclaimed, running off after her, "Asami, hang on!" Kei exclaimed. She moved to follow, only for someone to swoop down for a diving attack! It was Sammy! Kei narrowly blocked, locking blades with her! While she did so, Asami did her best to catch up to Astella. But she was fast. "Astella, wait! The city isn't safe!" Asami exclaimed. As if on cue, someone stepped out in front of Astella, blocking the path. It was Nyx! "Going somewhere?" She asked. Astella stopped dead in her tracks, looking at Nyx with bewilderment. To her surprise, Nyx grabbed her by the throat! Asami rushed in, kicking her back! "Get off her!" She exclaimed. Though Nyx was pushed back by the kick, she only laughed in response. 

"Well, if it isn't the Head Maid. Don't you have dust to fight?" Nyx asked, "Who the fuck are you?" Asami asked, ignoring her question, "Nyx Bellathorne, Crown Princess of The Big Blue. I would ask your name, but I don't need to. I've already heard so much about you..." Nyx answered, "Nyx Bellathorne? Is this about the artifact? Leave Astella out of this!" Asami exclaimed, " don't think I will." Nyx responded. With that said, she was already on top of Astella! She grabbed her by the shoulders, throwing her into the wall to her right! "Astella!" Asami exclaimed. She moved to rush in, only to find someone's knee impacting her stomach! She was knocked back a few steps, the wind taken out of her. She looked at the culprit, and her eyes widened in shock. "...Redderik?" She asked. Surely enough, Redderik stood before her. He still looked as pretentious as ever, only this time he had a colder look in his eyes. "Asami." He said, "Wh-What are you doing? Y-You have to help me stop Nyx!" Asami responded, "I'm afraid that won't be possible." Redderik said, "Wh-What?! Why?!" Asami asked. Redderik shook his head. "Because I am a member of the Primeval Council, Asami." He answered, "'re Redmane's other close ally?!" Asami asked. Redderik offered no response. His expression was unreadable, so she had no idea whether she was right or wrong. Nyx coughed, abruptly breaking the silence. "Sorry, I breathed in some smoke. Go on." She said. Redderik raised his eyebrows but did not respond to her. Asami has a response ready, however, as she noticed Astella tied up at her feet. "Let her go, or I'll kill both of you here and now!" She exclaimed, taking a cautious step back. She was wary of what she was getting into. If these two had lived for thousands of years, then their experience and skill far outweighed hers. 

In the blink of an eye, Nyx was right in front of her! "Word of advice! Don't make threats as you're backing away. It kinda invalidates the threat." She said. Asami swung out, delivering a crushing right hook to Nyx's cheekbone! Nyx laughed psychotically, responding by throwing a punch at lightning speed! Asami barely dodged, before blocking a punch from her opposite hand! Nyx grabbed the arm she used to block, using it to jump into the air and kick her in the throat! The kick threw her back and caused her to choke at the same time! Before she could recover, Nyx turned her hands into draconic claws and swung out at her! Asami barely managed to avoid the swing, sending a kick back in her direction! Nyx dodged the kick, swinging out again! Asami dodged once more, creating some distance between them! " blood...I can't use blood magic right now. But I'm not strong or quick enough to beat her without it..." She thought to herself. Before she could do any more thinking, Nyx was right in front of her! "Backing away isn't really helping you, is it?" She asked, swinging in an x shape! Asami ducked under the strike, attempting to kick up! Nyx blocked the kick, however, catching her foot! "Niiice heels..." She said. She laughed, only for Asami to kick her in the face with her other leg! She stumbled back, giving Asami an opportunity! Rather than attacking Nyx, she dove for Redderik! In the few moments she had fought Nyx, she had already deduced one fact: She had no chance of beating her without blood magic. But if she could get Redderik to bleed, then perhaps she had a chance. Redderik predicted she would attack, however, and drew a dagger hidden in his coat. He swung out, though Asami managed to block! She threw a kick, though he blocked it with a kick of his own! She was thrown off balance, leaving her open! He pressed the advantage, swinging out at her again! She managed to dodge back, only she didn't avoid the attack entirely. 

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