The Emperors Coven

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My breathing quickly hitched as I felt my heart practically pulsating through my chest.

"Eda! I'm gonna go out to the market!" I yelled out towards the owl lady as I exited her house, she shouted back an 'okay' before I departed onto my journey to the night Market

I counted the snails I had in my wallet as I walked, I was going to pick up some elixirs for eda since I noticed she was running out since Lilith has starred using the elixirs too

"Heyy" I said as I slid up to the stand where eda always bought her elixirs, I didn't know the name of the guy running the stand but he wouldn't notice

"If your here to buy edas exliris you should leave, we aren't serving wild witches anymore" He said with a stern look on his face, although he looked like a scrawny nerd his tone made him out to be serious

"What?! That's crazy..m-martin? Mason? What's your name again?" I asked as I had tried to reason with him but he closed the window to his stand with a worried look on his face

"Hey M! Whyd you look so worried?!" I called out towards him then I noticed an approaching shadow

"You're one of the owl lady's associates! You are formally under arrest for treason against the emperor and for not joining a Coven!" The guy yelled, he had a golden mask and...oh god this was the Golden Guard, the guy that Lilith complained about every other second

"Hey aren't you even gonna read me my miranda rights?" I sarcastically asked and he stopped for a second and he sounded puzzled as he responded

"W-what? Anyway just come with me criminal!" He yelled as he cuffed me and dragged me behind him as if I was able to escape


The golden guard led me into the emperors castle and he stopped for a second "I'm going to personally turn you into the emperor himself so he'll know that I done a good job!" He said with some excitement in his voice as I tried not to yawn

"Hurry up criminal" He said as he started walking again and I was so close to kicking the back of his knees as he walked since he was so fucking annoying

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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