The Show must go on!

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As the audience was on the edge of their seats at the excitement of the show, Luan grinned in excitement. She loved this. The roar of the crowd and the thunderous roar of applause was her favourite thing in the world. She watched as her friend, the prince of pendulum Yuya Sakaki bowed to the crowd. He was a young boy with tomato-coloured hair, fair skin and red eyes. Like always when performing, Yuya wore an outfit similar to his dad's.

 Like always when performing, Yuya wore an outfit similar to his dad's

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"Thank you!" Yuya said, taking a bow. "And now Ladies and Gents, may I have your attention, please? We've reached the climax of our show! But this act's gonna need a little more manpower. Believe me, folks, You haven't seen anything like this yet! Oh dear me no. Now, to help me with this act, I once again call on my lovely assistant Luan!" Luan happily walked onto the stage, curtseying to Yuya who bowed back. Luan was dressed in a lovely strapless yellow ball gown with matching yellow gloves on her arms. On one of the gloves, a pink gag flower was tied to it by a ribbon.

"Now behold!" Yuya said, his voice filled with mystery

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"Now behold!" Yuya said, his voice filled with mystery. "The mystic box of Vishnu!" He and Luan walked to a box that was on wheels. "Legend has it this box has the power to make people float! Now Luan, please enter the box, my dear." Luan nodded as she entered it. As soon as she was inside the box, Yuya tapped on the side of it. "Are you ok in there?" He called. "Yep." Came the muffled reply. Yuya nodded as he held up a card in between his two middle fingers.

"Astrograph sorcerer, master of time and space!" Yuya called as a blue light appeared above him

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"Astrograph sorcerer, master of time and space!" Yuya called as a blue light appeared above him. "I call on you to use your mystical powers to make my lovely assistant disappear!" The crowd stared at the evolved form of Stargazer Magician who tapped the box with his staff. "Those of who are squeamish, please look away now. And don't try this at home!" Yuya warned before spinning the box. "Now by the powers of water, air and fire, I command you to VANISH!" When the box stopped spinning, Yuya opened the box with a flourish. Luan was nowhere to be seen! The crowd gasped in horror. One person in the front row even fainted! "Don't worry folks!" Yuya reassured the crowd. "Luan's fine! It's all part of the show." In truth, Luan was actually backstage, spinning around wildly. "Woah, woah, woah, woah, WOAH!" Luan screamed as she tried to stop herself. "HEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEE!" Eventually, she was stopped by a strong arm. As soon she readjusted herself, she saw who stopped her she gave a weak smile. "Thanks, Gong." She said giving a weak thumbs up. Gong Strong was always there to help his friends.

 Gong Strong was always there to help his friends

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"You ok, Luan?" Gong asked. "Because Gong thinks you don't look so good." "No, I'm good Gong." Luan said trying not to gag. "Sure don't look that way to Gong." The heir to the Strong Dojo replied. Man, Luan thought as she tried her hardest not to lose her stomach. I really shouldn't have eaten at Reed Pepper's restaurant before getting ready for the show! "Hold down the fort Gong!" Luan said quickly as she ran off to the restroom. "Cause nature's calling 9-1-1!" Gong sighed as he heard Luan moaning in there for a few seconds. When she came back out, she wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Sorry." She sighed in relief. "I haven't survived a spinning trick without my friend Ralph Upchuck making an appearance." "Gong can respect that." Gong nodded. "But Yuya needs you for the finale! Go get ready." Luan nodded and climbed a nearby ladder. The ladder was connected to a diving board that was hanging over the stage. Yuya was commanding Astrograph Sorcerer, ready to continue the act. Just then, Luan's phone began ringing as her duel disk began flashing. "Gong, shut them off!" Luan hissed as she pointed to her bag. Gong nodded and went to the bag to answer it. "Hello?" Luan heard him say. She switched her duel disk to silent as Yuya gave the commands.
"And now for the grand finale!" He said. "Astrograph Sorcerer now use your magical powers to bring my assistant back. By the powers of Light, Darkness, and Earth, I command you to Reappear!" Luan took a breath as she stood off the edge of the board and jumped. As soon as she jumped, she felt a sharp tug at her waist, accompanied by a loud fabric-like "KaPOOF!" like clothes being hung out to dry. Her fall abruptly stopped, and Luan grinned in relief. The voluminous skirt of her dress filled with air from the sudden updraft and inflated like a balloon, belling out around Luan's waist, and forming a dome. She swayed back and forth, her little feet kicking aimlessly around the sky. Luan never got tired of the weightless feeling that she got from using her gown like this. She was lucky that the diving board was not too far up from the stage so she didn't bump her head. As she floated down, she heard the crowd oohing and ahhing. She smiled as she floated down to the stage right next to Yuya. As her yellow flats touched the stage, she smiled as the crowd stared in amazement at her floating down. Luan gracefully landed on the stage, her gown's skirt keeping its dome-like shape and allowing her flats to be seen. "Ta-da!" She said as she spun around with a flourish. The crowd applauded as Luan curtseyed (well, as well as she could with her gown in its current state) and Yuya bowed. "That was AMAZING, Luan!" Yuya said in amazement. "They loved you and that new trick of yours!" "Put your hands together for Yuya Sakaki and Luan Loud!" The announcer said as Yuya and Luan bowed and curtseyed to the crowd who applauded and cheered the duo. Luan happily smiled as she curtseyed. I love my job! Luan thought to herself.

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