Size of the matter

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"Huh? Who put a door behind this door?" Yuya muttered to himself at the odd design of the door in front of them. Opening the slightly smaller door, he and Luan found an even smaller door. "Okay, this is ridiculous. I bet there's like a million doors here." He groaned. "Just keep opening the doors. Sooner or later, we'll get through." Luan reassured him.  The progressive pattern of smaller and smaller doors caused the two to get down on their hands and knees to keep opening doors. Eventually, there were no more doors to be opened, but the gap through to the next room was ridiculously small. To Luan's mind, it reminded her of Yuya's box in a box in a box trick. She had been inside a human-sized box while Yuya had gone and put five boxes over the box she was in. She barely managed to get out of that act alive. The box she was in may have had air holes in it but she hadn't been so lucky with the other four boxes. She wasn't claustrophobic, but she was shaken up pretty bad when Yuya sealed the final box. Yuya saw her frightened expression and put his hand on her shoulder. "It'll be fine Luan. I'm sorry about the box trick. If I had known what happened was gonna happen-" "Yuya, it wasn't your fault." Luan said. Yuya smiled at that statement. "Ok, I'll go in first. You probably wouldn't be able to fit in with your gown.  I'll take a look around in there and tell you if it's safe to come through." Luan nodded in agreement. Yuya crouched down to do an army crawl through the tiny door. As soon as he was through, the young dueltainer stared at the room he was in with an impressed look on his face.

The room was stupendous, with walls to their left and right seeming like they went on forever. The floor was impressively tiled, in a checkerboard pattern of glossy brown and cream. The walls they could see, which were in front and behind them rose very high to a roof that was as high as Big Ben was tall. There was nothing decorating the walls, just a velvet red colour with an indented square pattern on them. "Feels like I'm on the world's biggest chess board." Yuya muttered to himself. "Can I come through now?" Luan's voice called to him. "Yeah, but be careful. You don't want to get stuck." Yuya said still looking at the room.

Surprisingly, Luan didn't get stuck in the tiny door. Her gown somehow returned to its original shape and she could crawl through. Yuya helped her onto her feet and instantly her gown re-inflated into its dome-like shape revealing her flats. Luan was impressed by the room they were in. Just then Luan noticed a small door in the middle of the room. It was no bigger than three apples.

"Hey Yuya, I think there's something behind that door. Should we go through it?" Luan asked her friend. Yuya looked at the door in confusion. "So you say. But this is a very small door. Not even a Kuriboh could fit through it." The young dueltainer said. "Well, what are we gonna do?" Luan asked. Yuya looked around the room. "If what that guy in the armour said was true and we are going through  a similar situation to what Alice did, there would be a drink to shrink oneself." He replied. Luan started to check around the room, while Yuya observed his pendant. "Still nothing from Yuto and the others." He muttered to himself. Just then Luan's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "Yuya! I think I found something." Yuya looked around and saw Luan holding a small bottle in her left hand.

" Yuya looked around and saw Luan holding a small bottle in her left hand

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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