Down the Rabbit hole

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As Yuya wandered further through the hole, he had to admit he was surprised. The hole was a little more roomy than he thought. His dad had read him Alice in Wonderland many times when he was a boy but now here he was, in a similar situation as in the book. The hole was roomy, which was lucky for Luan. He knew that his assistant wouldn't fit in here because of her gown's current state. The inside of the hole was very dark and the dirt walls formed a circular passageway just large enough for Yuya to move around in. "Luan?! Where are you?" Yuya called to no one in particular. He hoped Luan was ok. He would never forgive himself if his assistant got hurt. Yuya shuddered at the thought of it. Just then, Yuya's duel disk suddenly began flashing. "Now what?" He groaned in frustration. Then he looked at the way his duel disk was flashing. "Wait a minute, that's Morse code! Now let's see, A-LL-O-N-S." Yuya smiled as he recognised the message that was coming from his duel disk. "Allons-y! There's only one guy who uses that word." Just then the image of the boy popped up on his duel disk. "Bingo! Give the kid a prize!" The boy said enthusiastically. Yuya gasped in surprise, realising who it really was. "Marshall! How on earth are you doing this? And why are you calling me and not Luan?" "Well, it's kind of a long story." Marshall said shaking his head. "Sorry Yuya, I had to deliver 7 more messages so I was kinda in a hurry. But I'm free now so I can help you and Luan out. Now tell me what's happening right now."

Yuya sighed in frustration. But he was relieved to know that he had an ally to help him and Luan out. And no one was a better ally than Marshall Jason Onodera. Yuya explained the situation to Marshall as well as he could. "I see." Marshall said, nodding his head when Yuya finished. "No doubt about it, this has Zarc's name written all over it and Luan must be further down the rabbit hole." Yuya was confused. "You mentioned him in your first message. And Declan. Is he OK? His dad's really worried about him." "I can't do much on my end Yuya." Marshall explained. "I can only provide backup here. But I can tell you that the hole's not an ordinary hole." "I was just thinking that!" Yuya said as he continued moving through the hole. Just then he heard it. Luan's terrified voice. "YUYA! HELP! HURRY! I don't think I can hold on for much longer." Yuya gasped in horror. "That's our cue. Alright, no time to waste. Allons-y!" Marshall said enthusiastically. Yuya rolled his eyes. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" he asked, smirking. "A little bit." Marshall admitted. Yuya moved as quickly as he could through the hole with Marshall's help until they reached a big hole. "Who puts a hole inside a hole? No really, I wanna know!" Marshall questioned as Yuya looked around for his assistant. "Luan! Where are you?!" Yuya called out as he frantically looked around. "I'M DOWN HERE!" The reply shouted back. Yuya looked down and spotted Luan, hanging on the edge of the precipice thanks to a stray tree root. "Luan, are you ok?" Yuya asked in confusion. "Apart from my gown suddenly deflating on me unexpectedly, I'm Ok." Luan replied. "Hang on Luan! I'll get you out of here." Yuya reassured her as he got onto his knees and stretched his arm out to his friend. "Hurry Yuya! The root is breaking and I don't know how long it'll hold me." Luan said, her voice sounding scared. Yuya soon realised that Luan was right. Somehow Luan's gown had gone back to its original state. Yuya slowly climbed down the steep edge, grabbing a tree root sticking out of the roof of the hole. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Marshall warned him. Yuya ignored him, determined to save his friend. Reaching out, Yuya tried to grab Luan's other hand, as their free hands tried to meet. Suddenly, the root in the roof tore away, leaving him with nowhere to go but down. Falling immediately, Yuya crashed into Luan, causing them both to fall into the darkness.

Yuya shouted in fear as he fell, losing sight of Luan, but hearing her scream. Marshall on the other hand laughed as he cheerfully yelled "GERONIMOOOOO!" Yuya was shocked that Marshall wasn't scared. Just then he heard a familiar noise come from right next to him.


The next thing he knew, Yuya was blinded by yellow! He had an idea of what happened but he didn't want to guess."Is that you Gong? Or did someone put a wall in here?" Yuya moaned. Marshall was snickering in amusement. Just then Yuya remembered about the person who was on his duel disk's screen. "Knock it off, Marsh!" He groaned. "How jolly can you get?" "Well, at least you're not falling GOWN! Hahahahaha! Get it?" A familiar voice joked. Marshall groaned in annoyance. "That's why I'm on yours and not hers." He muttered. Yuya looked up and saw Luan looking at him with her usual goofy grin. Just then, he realised what was happening. Luan's gown had inflated and slowed them down. he must've been caught by the gown when it inflated. "Thanks, Luan." Yuya breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't breathe a sigh of relief yet, Yuya." Marshall warned. "Marshall, is that you?" Luan asked as she looked around in confusion."Ah, hello Luan! Can you hear me?" Marshall cheerfully said. "Yeah, it's me! Where are you?" Luan answered. Yuya dusted off his coat. "He's on here." He said, showing her Marshall on his duel disk. Yuya looked around at their surroundings. Somehow gravity didn't seem to work as he was able to walk around normally even though he was floating. They were both slowly falling and were safe for now. The hole was pitch black. They knew, though, that they were floating next to each other. Being together was such a relief for them at this point in time. Only the light of Yuya's duel disk illuminated them. Just then Luan noticed a very dim light suddenly appear from below them. As she and Yuya floated down towards it, she could see that it was a gas lamp, something that could be adjusted to brighten up their surroundings. Reaching out to it, she grabbed a hold of the knob and twisted it. The lamp shone much more brightly, illuminating the entire hole. As the hole was lit up, Luan was amazed by what she saw.

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