Missing dueltainers! Z-arc's flickering shadow

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As Yuya and Luan returned backstage, they were greeted by some of Luan's friends from the Pendulum Dimension. The gang at the You Show Duel School had been watching the show from behind the curtain and had seen Luan's gown inflate into a parachute. They were amazed by the performance! Zuzu, Gong, Sora and Sylvio applauded their friends as they came back from the stage. Yuya checked his duel disk and gasped. "Look at the votes people have given us! We're going up in the world Luan!" "Oh, that's great news." Luan grinned. "I knew that this gown was the right choice for this act." "Don't over inflate your ego Luan." Sylvio said who was acting as the stage manager. He pressed a button on his duel disk. "Standby for the next act!" He said with an air of authority in his voice.

 "Standby for the next act!" He said with an air of authority in his voice

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"You were amazing Luan!" Sora said, smiling at Luan. Like always he was eating a lollipop. Doesn't he ever get cavities? Luan thought as she was led by Yuya to the middle of the backstage area. "Don't rub it in too much, Sora." He said as he patted Luan on the back. "By the way, isn't your act next?" Luan sighed in disbelief. Sora was always looking at ways to improve his act. And as always, they always ended up in a flop. The former Duel Academy soldier grinned at Yuya as he stood up.

"Actually Yuya, I wanted to talk with you about my latest act for the show

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"Actually Yuya, I wanted to talk with you about my latest act for the show." Sora said. "Oh boy, let's hear it." Yuya sighed. "Oh, it's my best idea yet!" Sora said as he wheeled a device that looked like a capsule machine that had five of Sora's fluffal monsters sitting on top of it. Luan had never seen anything like it before. "I call it my fluffal piano." Sora explained. "Tonight with this device, I will play the Flight of the Bumblebee. " Luan rolled her eyes. Sora's acts never worked and always blew up in his face! Yuya just nodded at the idea. The LID's showcase never had many musical acts apart from Zuzu. Sora wheeled his fluffal piano onto the stage and Luan covered her eyes. Sure enough, a few seconds into the act, the crowd was throwing rotten tomatoes at Sora who ducked as he was booed off the stage. "Aw, yokels!" Sora yelled. "Get a plot line, you weirdo!" Someone yelled in the audience. Knew it, Luan thought. At this moment, the dueltainer of the Loud family was relaxing in a corner. Because of her gown's inflated appearance, she had a little trouble sitting down but she was fine to check her deck. When she first came to the Pendulum dimension, she hardly knew what dueltaining was, but when she met Yuya and the others, she soon learned what it was about. She was still thinking about her memories of her adventures in the Pendulum dimension when Sylvio rushed past her. He was obviously panicking because of the way the show was going. "Yuya, you need to get out there!" He ordered the show's star attraction. "The crowd's turning ugly!" "Alright, I'm on it." Yuya sighed. "Come on Luan." "But we're on a break!" Luan pleaded. "Do you want me to go on alone?" Yuya asked, smiling. Luan rolled her eyes. Then she looked around the backstage area. Usually, the place was swarming with performers who wanted to put on a show for the crowd. But apart from Yuya and her friends, she couldn't see anyone else! "Hey, are there fewer of you here than usual?" She asked Zuzu who was just about to get ready for her performance.

 But apart from Yuya and her friends, she couldn't see anyone else! "Hey, are there fewer of you here than usual?" She asked Zuzu who was just about to get ready for her performance

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"A lot of performers have gone missing lately." Zuzu said. "Really?" Luan asked as Zuzu was about to head to her dressing room. "Yeah," Zuzu replied as she walked off. "Plus it's weird, they don't take their stuff." I was wondering why we were so short on acts, Luan thought. Yuya nodded as he joined her. "Yuri, Yugo, Yuto and I have been investigating the performers that have disappeared." He said. "We haven't had much luck on our side. But we had to investigate. The police aren't doing anything. Nobody's noticed—or cares." Luan was stunned by this. The police were doing nothing to stop this. No wonder why the show's been short on performers! Luan thought in horror. From what she heard from Yuya when she arrived the LID show had been lately lacking in performers and stage hands. "Where's my act, Yuya?!" Sylvio snapped in irritation. "Keep your head on Sylvio." Zuzu said as she walked out of her dressing room. She was wearing an outfit that made her look like her ace monster, Mozarta the Melodius songstress. Yuya gave his childhood friend a thumbs-up as she walked onto the stage. Zuzu gave him a small smile back. Yuya smiled as he looked at the stage and at Zuzu singing.

As she sang, the crowd stared in awe at her. It was like she was casting a spell with her voice and everyone in the audience was entranced by it. Even Sylvio had tears in his eyes as she sang. When she finished singing, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. Zuzu happily curtseyed and headed backstage. "Good job Zuzu!" Gong grinned as his friend wiped her brow. "Gong's gotta admit, that went a lot smoother than the time Sora danced to Top Hat in a vat of oatmeal." "At least I got out!" Sora protested. "Zip it Sora!" Sylvio snapped  "You're turning this theatre into a laughing stock! This is why our funding keeps getting cut!" "Gee Sylvio, will you please relax?" Yuya said as he readjusted his goggles. "If the show were shut down, I wouldn't be able to show the crowd my dueltaining skills! That's why the audience comes here." Just then Zuzu hit him on the head with her fan. "It's not all about you, Yuya!" She yelled in annoyance. "But Luan and I are the stars of the show!" Yuya shot back. "Hey, Yuya." Sylvio said, putting his hand on Yuya's shoulder. "I appreciate that you want to make everyone smile but you gotta restrain yourself. The same goes for Yuri, Yugo, and Yuto. We don't need you hurting yourself. As you said, you and Luan are the stars of the show. I don't want my stars getting hurt."  "Thanks, man." Yuya nodded as he dusted off his jacket. "You hear that Lua- Hey! Where is Luan?" "Gong saw her checking her deck a few minutes ago." Gong told his best friend.  "Looks like she's disappeared again." Sylvio said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'll go find her." Yuya said, getting up to leave. "By the way, might as well try a new tip." "You got a new tip about the missing performers?" Zuzu asked. The young dueltainer nodded. "According to Declan, a lot of the performers that are missing were last seen by the river." Sylvio nodded in agreement. "Now that makes sense." He agreed. "That's where they were reported last."  "Yeah, and since they were there last, that's where I'll find some clues." Yuya grinned. "Be careful Yuya." Zuzu said as she put her hand on her childhood friend's shoulder. Yuya smiled as he left the backstage area.

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