Chapter 1

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Isabelle listen to her siblings argue while she walked behind them. She didn't really listen until they got in there line for when they have to take the test.

"Hey. So, all the food that we're  not getting, you guys are giving away to the factionless?" A guy from Candor asked a guy Abnegation just up ahead from where Isabelle, Beatrice, and Caleb stood.

"Yeah." The guy said

"You're a lair. Why are you lying to me? Everybody knows you keep it for yourselves. So why don't you just admit it. Huh? I'm talking to you. Are you stiffs deaf or something? Hey?" The guy held shoving the abnegation guy while everyone just kept there heads down.

Isabelle and Beatrice both went to walk over  and do something but Caleb grabbed there arms.

"Beatrice, Isabelle...Don't." Caleb said moving in front of them while Beatrice took a deep breath.

"Caleb, we can't just not doing anything." Isabelle said

"No, that's exactly what we're gonna do." Caleb said

"No." Isabelle said trying to shake out of his grip.  

Caleb continued to look at her with a stern look, slowly as she heard the train screeching she turned knowing that dauntless we're coming. She watched them hang out the train before they all started jumping, some landing on their feet and start running and some tuck and roll then getting up and running to get in line in their respected spots. 

After going in everyone sat down and listen to the Erudite woman in front of them speak.

"One hundred years ago, after the war, our founders created a system they believed would prevent future conflict and create lasting peace. Today, aptitude testing based on your personality will assign you to one of the factions. While it is our belief that choosing the faction indicated by your test is the best way to ensure success within the faction system, it is your right tomorrow at the choosing ceremony to choose any of the five factions, regardless of your test results. However, once the  choice has been made, there will be no change permitted." The Erudite woman told them before dismissing them by rows. 

When it got to Isabelle and Beatrice's they went down a long hallway before they eached stopped in front of a door. A woman walked behind everyone before pulling Isabelle's shoulder and leading her over to Beatrice. 

"Twins have get the same results." She told them and walked away

The twins looked at each other then Caleb who gave them an encouraging smile then everyone's door opened.

They walked in to see a girl with black clothes on and black hair, tattoos, and piercing. The door closed behind them and they both looked back noticing a bunch of mirrors and looked at their reflections before looking away quickly.

"What is it with you Abnegation and mirrors?" The girl asked

"We reject vanity." Isabelle said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah. I know. One of you sit down." The girl said and they both looked at each other before Beatrice walked up and sat down. 

"I'm Tori. I'll be administrating your test. You'll be offered a series of choices to test your aptitude for each faction until you get one result. I wouldn't sweat it. 95% get the faction of their origin, and from the looks of you two...." She said grabbing a glass of blue liquid.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Isabelle asked making Tori raised an eyebrow as Beatrice tapped her arm making her mean face disappear before she looked at the ground.

"What is it?" Beatrice asked taking the liquid.

"Bottoms up." Tori said

Beatrice smelled it before downing the blue liquid and her eyes closed. Isabelle looked at her sister waiting for her eyes to open back up but they didn't as Tori turned to look at the screen.

"She's gonna be okay, right?" Isabelle asked 

"Yep." Tori gave a short answer as she focused on the screen.

"You know this how?" Isabelle asked

"Look kid, we've been doing this for a hundred years. See's gonna be fine." Tori said 

It wasn't five minutes later that Beatrice gasp and her eyes opened.

"Get up. We're going out the back door before a supervisor comes." Tori said grabbing Beatrice's arm and Isabelle trying to drag them out.

"But what was our results?" Isabelle asked trying to pull her arm back.

"Come on!" Tori said dragging them to the door.

"What happened?" Beatrice asked

"You're going to tell your family that the serum made you sick and that I sent you home. All right?" Tori told them stopping in front of the door

"No, but what was our results?" Isabelle asked and Tori stopped trying to open the door and looked at them.

"Abnegation.....And Erudite and dauntless." Tori told them

"Dauntless..." Beatrice said

"Your results were inconclusive." Tori said and Isabelle shook her head.

"That's impossible. It doesn't make any since." She said

"No. Not impossible. It's just extremely rare. Especially in twins. They call it Divergent. You can't tell anyone about this. Not even your parents. As far as the world is concerned, you received an Abnegation result because that is what I manually entered." Tori told them before turning away.

"So what are we suppose to do at the choosing ceremony?" Beatrice asked

"We were suppose to learn what to do. This was supposed to tell us what faction to choose, the test. We're suppose to trust the test." Isabelle said 

"The test didn't work on you two. You have to trust yourself." Tori said then grabbed the door handle then shoved the twins out and shut the door. 

The twins turned from the door and started there walk home. On there walk home they stopped in front of the faction less people scared that they would become there. When they got home they started dinner, both cutting the vegetables. When Caleb got home he started the bread.

"What happened to you guys today? Where you'd go after your test?" He asked moving the bread beside them.

"I got sick, they sent us home early." Isabelle said staring at the food in front of her.

"Did you finish your test?" Caleb asked

"Mhm." Beatrice hummed.

"What was your results?" Caleb asked after taking a deep breath making both the girls look at him.

"What was yours?" Beatrice asked and he smiled.

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