Chapter 15

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Theo took off his jacket and set it to the side.

"We go in together." He told her as she walked over to him.

"Have you ever done this before?" She asked him.

"No, I haven't."

"You sure you want too." She asked as he put the serum in the gun.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked cracking a small smile before it disappeared as fast as it appeared, his answer made her scoff.

"I don't know. You haven't told me anything about yourself and you just want to let me inside your head?" She asked him.

"Are you afraid of that?"

"You're not?"

"No." He shook his head before he stabbed himself in the neck and injected the serum. He reached and grabbed the side of her head tipping her head to the side a bit, then injected the serum into the side of her neck.

He pulled another chair over then connected a metal pod to the side of her head and she laid down then he sat down in the other chair and connected another metal pod to the side of his head and they both laid back and closed their eyes. 

When she opened her eyes they were in a plan, empty room. 

"Fear of being alone?" She asked looking around and Theo looked at her and shook his head. He turned and started walking out of the room. 

They walked into another room where three people sat in chairs with tape over their mouths, tied down to the chairs. There was a guy standing in front of of them pointing a gun at the people. 

"Say goodbye to your family." The guy said and he shot the older woman in the head. Theo turned his face away.

"Fear of losing your loved ones." Belle concluded and he nodded his head.

"When this first popped up I tried everything to stop him, beat to death, took the gun and shot him. He would just reappear. The only way to get past it was to let him do it." Theo told her as two more loud gun shots rang. 

The last gunshot, louder than the others made, Belle jump as she closed her eyes. When she opened them again they were just standing in a field. She looked down at her feet when she felt them being enveloped. They were standing on quick sand and were sinking quick. Within 10 seconds they were already knee deep. 

"Could just imagine its solid ground." Belle told him and he shook his head.

"No, that's what Divergent would do. You need to do it the way dauntless would. Best way to get out of quick sand. Lean back, make room for yourself, lean in every direction till you able to pull yourself out. 

Theo got out before her and he walked over and helped pull her the rest of the way out. When they turned around they were suddenly in a doctors office. A doctor stood beside them with two giant needles. Theo's breath picked up at the sight. 

"When I was little, my parents didn't want me to be afraid of a lot, so they would commonly weird things to make sure I never had the fear. One thing they did a lot was they were stab needles into the sides of my arms. Not softly either. They just jab them in my arm and pull it out just as quick as it went in. I hated it, but they didn't care. They did crazy things like that all the time." Theo shook his head as the doctor walked towards him. 

He rolled his sleeve up and held his arm out and the doctor jabbed the needle into Theo's arm. Then he pulled it out, only to stab it back into his arm. Repeatedly he did it, Theo's face turned red as he held his breath, waiting for it to be over. But the doctor just kept stabbing him over and over. Belle walked over and shoved the doctor away. She grabbed a white cotton swab and put it on his arm where it was bleeding. As she looked up the room changed around them, she removed the swab to find it clean and no blood on Theo's arm. She went to look around the room before suddenly someone hit Theo from the side and he went flying into the grey wall. 

The big burly dude walked over to him and started to punch him, repeatedly. 

"Fear of being beat to death." Theo said in between each punch. 

Theo raised his leg and kicked the guy off of him. He stood up and got on the dude and started beat the crap out of him. Till the dude laid their unconscious. His last punch and Belle sat up right. Finding herself sitting in the chair. She turned around to find Theo behind her. He reached up taking the metal pod off the side of her head as he let out heavy breaths. 


Theo stood on the balcony that was outside of his room and Belle walked out and stood beside him. 

"Four fears? So four must have Four fears too. Four? Four fears?" She asked and he nodded his head.

"Four then, four now. I keep going in there, but I don't think you ever lose them." He told them looked over at her. She stared at him a second before she looked away looking over at the rising sun.  

Belle looked back over at him as he raised his hand to brush it through his hair and he shirt rode up. Showing the start of a tattoo on his side. She looked away before looking back over at him as he brought his hand down. 

"Can I ask you something?" She asked

"Sure." He smiled.

"What's your tattoo?" She asked and he paused for a moment keeping his small smile on his face. 

"You wanna see it?" He asked and she looked down at his stomach as if she could see it through his shirt and nodded her head. 

He took off his shirt and turned to her to show the tattoo on the right side of his stomach. It looked like it would have been large but it wasn't. It was just a small rose with some words under it.

"It's amazing." Belle said reaching her hand out to trace it making Theo intake a sharp breath, "What's mean?" She asked 

"It's for my sister. Her favorite flower and name. She died the day before my choosing ceremony." Theo told her making her look up at him. They stared at each other for a moment, a small smile crept onto Theo's lips as he stared. Suddenly he reached out cupping Belle's face with his hands and kissed her. 

Belle wrapped one arm around his neck and the other around his waist as he pulled her closer. When they pulled apart they rest their foreheads against eachother as they both smiled at each other. 

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