1: Aridor

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It is dawn, the first light of my predestined time to come. In the distance, the orange rays peek over the pine top mountains and gleam through the thin cotton clouds. With the glass paneled window open, I place my elbows onto the stone cold surface while my head rests in my hands. It is this morning that I had wish to not greet like I had previously done everyday. It is this morning that I wish to never have awoken in hopes that I can deny my future.

The heavy footsteps of hooves from afar told me that I could never escape this fate. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nor could I even take my life with my own hands. Not even the window would allow me to fall to my death. The steel black bars cage me in, they contain like a delicate bird in a cage.

The sun has risen higher, coming from behind the mountains, shining down upon the thousands of men that ride our way. The metal of their freshly polished armor glimmers as the sun beats down on their marching forms. The blue flags that are tied to a silver pole sway and dance in the slight breeze while they continue to push forward.

The carriage at the front has heavily armed guards surrounding it, protecting their prince inside.

My supposed betrothed.

The carriage itself is coated with the finest royal blue color as the trim is clad in gold.

"My lady, it is time we bathe you in preparation of his highnesses arrival," my handmaid, Serena, spoke out behind me. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I drew my eyes away from the carriage that is unfortunately nearing the castle at a quick pace.

Serena is wearing her normal pale green dress, the old fabric worn with dirt stains along the bottom from where it would drag along the floor. My frown became deeper on my face and Serena's head snaps down embarrassed at her appearance.

"Serena, look at me," I order her and she delicately lifts her head. Her light brown curls drop against her shoulders as her light blue eyes gaze up at me with tiredness.

"I apologize my lady, it is very difficult to find time to wash my own clothes. Please forgive me. Please," Serena pleas with me like I was going to smack her across her cheeks for the poor appearance.

"Take one of my old gowns and change quickly," I tell her and head towards my private bath in my chambers before she could deny my request.

"My lady, I could never do such a thing!" Serena says as she frantically chases after me which causes me to stop in place. In her rush, she collides into my back.

She mutters an apology and steps back dropping her head to avert my gaze as most the maids normally do. It frustrates me to no end when she does this. Turning completely around I face her, resting my hands on her delicate shoulders.

"I insist, it would sadden me if you were punished. Besides, your sister requested me to protect you." My arms wrap around her small frail body, holding her close to me. "Do not bow your head in my presence, ever. You are as human as me, we are all equal." I lift her chin to find tears welling up in her eyes. With a swift motion, I brush away the tears that fell upon her reddened cheeks.

"My lady, you are too kind to me... too kind to all of us. Thank you!" Serena mumbles between sobs and sniffles.

For once a smile grew on my face, it is a blessing to see my people happy. That is what brought a warmth in my heart and I cherish each and every smile from my people as they thanked me.

Turning away from Serena, I continue to my private bath and push the heavy wooden door open to see my other handmaids waiting for me with tired smiles that perfectly matched Serena's. Mother had been working them to the bone.

After today, that will change. Hopefully to my advantage.

The three maids have been working this entire week without any breaks. Preparing for another kingdom to visit is a lot of work, especially when it is the prince from Aridor. The largest kingdom in Astraneah.

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