2: Stranger

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There is no denying that Ayden is a handsome man, but what is deep inside a person's soul is what matters the most. His heart is tainted black. No man should ever treat a woman the way he treated me today. To make me beg what I had not desired. Forcing me to pleasure him while I suffered every moment of it.

My soft cries are muffled by the feathered pillow I smother my face in. Rage and hurt rushing through all my senses. The soft tickles of Serena's fingers running up and down my spine comforts me while her gentle hush whispers soothe me.

Ayana didn't dare step in my chambers, not that I am angry with her. How could she possibly stand up against a man who can decide her fate with a snap of his fingers. It is not her fault that Ayden is swine.

The high hopes I was beginning to have for him has dispersed along with any respect for the man. Hatred grows in my heart after the wound he has inflicted on me. All over me.

"My lady..." Serena trails off not finding the words to reassure me because she has no idea what the prince has done to me.

In two days, Ayden plans to take me to his lands. We are to be married in his court and under their jurisdictions. Once the preparations are final for departure, I will be heading to damnation. I will be pronounced as Artemis Aridor, the queen who will be locked away in a room only to be fucked and give birth to heirs.

Serena worriedly grabs my shoulders for support as I began sobbing once more. I clench my teeth together, fighting the waves of nausea as the only thoughts that fill my head are of Ayden mistreating me in many ways.

"I will return my lady," Serena leaves in a hurry and I did not care to look where she has gone off to.

The blanket that is tightly wrapped around me is warm, but the fire that is lit on the other side of the room calls to me. My feet find the stone flooring as I drag myself and the heavy brown blanket with me towards the fireplace. The heat rolls over me, wrapping me in a comfort that soothes my soul.

The window of my room is wide open blowing a cold breeze in. Despite the coldness, I leave it open to stare out at the stars that glimmer in the open dark sky. It is a beautiful night for such a tasteless day. Tomorrow is bound to get worse as the prince will surely seek more pleasure. He made it known that it is thrilling to fuck me while my father and mother still believe that I have my innocence.

I must gather strength for this battle between Ayden and I.

The hinges on the door squeak loudly pulling my attention away from the stars. In the doorway, holding a tray of piping hot tea is the one person I least expected as this time of night. His poorly dressed manner causes me to smile weakly as he enters the room. His long black hair is lazily tied back with strands falling out over his exhausted silver eyes.

"Atticus," I cry out, my heart wrenching at the sight of my younger brother standing before me. Tears brim at my eyes again as he sets down the tray and embraces me.

"If father or mother finds you here—" I start, but he quickly cuts me off.

"Fuck them," he snarls bitterly. His cold eyes simmering in anger as he backs away from me to look over my face. Atticus is at the age of seventeen, his demeanor mature and cold as always. Even though he is a year younger than I, he towers over my small frame like an older brother.

The first time I had been injured when we were children, father separated us to live in different parts of the castle. It was to ensure my safety as a candidate for a future queen. It is highly looked down upon when a woman bears a scar. Ever since, we always snuck out late at night to see each other.

"That fucking bastard hurt you, didn't he?" Atticus's eyes narrow searching for any hint that Ayden, in fact, did hurt me. The mentioning of it makes me wince, reminding me of all the torment he put me through tonight.

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