Prologue: A Little World Within A World

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Chicago, Illinois
Friday, September 13, 2003
(10:00 pm)

It seemed like blasphemy to be performing "Don't Stop" without Christine.

Stevie let out a sigh as she sidled up to her mic stand and nervously began to play with the colorful ribbons and streamers. She could hear Lindsey to her left, counting off, and the entire United Center was on its feet and cheering. They had probably not counted on "Don't Stop" being part of the set, Stevie figured, but with Brett Tuggle taking over on keyboards, the implausible had become the possible, and Lindsey began to sing the familiar lyrics to a screaming crowd.

"If you wake up and don't want to smile...if it takes just a little while...Open your eyes, look at the day...You'll see things in a different way..."

Stevie glanced over at Lindsey, and he was in his element, happily banging out the chords on the guitar that Ray had handed to him in the dark just before the song began, sweating through the white microfiber of the button-down shirt he wore, unbuttoned just a little too far down, she thought, for a man who was about to turn fifty-three and the father of two.

Three, Stevie quickly corrected herself. He's about to be the father of three.

Exactly a week ago, backstage at the Mississippi Coast Colosseum in Biloxi, Lindsey had pulled her aside and told her two important pieces of news.

The first was that he'd been called upon to record his own episode of Soundstage when they got to Chicago. She'd hugged him and congratulated him on his achievement and meant it from the bottom of her heart.

The second was that Kristen was pregnant again, she'd just taken the test, and the baby was due in April.

For this piece of news, Stevie's hug and congratulations had not been anything more than an Oscar-worthy performance that made her want to laugh thinking of the time in the sixth grade when she'd told her mother she was a terrible actress and never intended to do a school play ever again.

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