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   𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐒 𝐉𝐔𝐃𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀'𝐒 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄, not yet having the courage to drive away. Her number was sitting in his phone, his mind whirling as he thinks of the drunken girl that he just bought McDonald's for.
Finally, he pulls out of his street parking spot, starting to heads towards his own home. This night felt unreal. Isla felt unreal. There was something about her that just grabbed his attention right away, in the bestest way possible.
Of course, she is a beautiful girl. But it was the way she spoke, her voice. The way her hands felt around his arm as he led her to get water.

Jude pulls his car into his driveway, waiting a few moments before stepping out of the car, shoving his keys into his pocket and letting his phone rest in his hand.
"Jude?" An unknown girl questions, stepping outside of the home.
His eyes snap upwards, eyes blowing wide. "Magrittte! What are you doing here?" He questions, trying to keep his nervousness composed.
"You gave me keys, remember? We're basically dating anyways." Magritte giggles, waving him to come inside.

Jude moves quickly, walking past her and setting his phone and keys on the kitchen counter.
"Where were you? I texted you." She questions, grabbing him a cup of water.
"I was at a party. Sorry." His voice is dry as he takes the class of water, wishing it was alcohol.
"Well I hope you had fun. Hope you didn't meet any new girls while you were there?" Magritte jokes, but he's lucky she didn't notice the way his face tensed. She never noticed the small things anyways.

"How about tomorrow, after i've slept, i'll tell you all about my day and how it went." Jude smiles, a faux smile. Magritte nods her head, snatching a water bottle from the bridge before heading towards the front door.
"Text me when you wake up. I have plans tomorrow so I can't stay." She shouts through the house, slipping her flats on before coming over to him, placing a kiss to his cheek before leaving.

As soon as the door shuts, his facade crumbles down. His eyes are closed as he sits on the kitchen stool, his head resting against the marble surface.


   The sun seeping through the curtains wakes Jude up. He holds his hand in front of his eyes, hoping to block out the unwelcome light that rudely awoke him from his sleep.
He groans, reluctantly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Jude blinks a few times before grabbing his phone, checking the time and seeing it's only 6:45 AM.
"What?" He mumbles, confused as to why he woke up so early. But there was something that mad shin want to get up early, someone he hasn't thought of yet.

"Isla." He whispers, checking his contacts and finding her pretty name in his phone. He had said he was going to message her when he woke up, but then he remembered Magritte. They had been talking for around two months, but she knew he had been starting to loose feelings.
Which is probably why she decided to show up unannounced, hoping it would change his mind and show him that she still cares for him.
But it didn't change his mind. Seeing her yesterday night only sealed her fate.

Jude didn't want Magritte. He wanted Isla, he needed her. There was something so new, so fascinating about Isla that he felt the need to get to know her. To find out what she likes and what she doesn't. All he knows so far is that she dislikes heels but likes how they look, and that she loves sprite and apparently McDonald's apple pies.

He needed to know more about her.


Isla (drunk girl)

goodmorning, isla.


   As soon as he pressed send, he slammed his phone down. Too nervous to see if she was going to reply or not. What if she didn't remember him? Or what if she never liked him at all and just wanted free food?
But to pass time, he grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and headed into the shower.


Isla (drunk girl)

goodmorning, isla.

Isla (drunk girl)
wow you actually texted 🙀


   Jude stares at the text, drying his wet hair in the process. Did she think he wouldn't text her? He is a man of his word.


Isla (drunk girl)

of course I texted. i am a man of my word.
do you feel okay?

Isla (drunk girl)
that's nice to hear.
and yes, only a small headache.
thank you for driving me home
and buying me my apple pie.
i appreciate it!!


   Jude smiles to himself, happy she appreciated him.
"No. She just appreciates the apple pie." He convinces himself, running his hand through his hair as he thinks of a reply.
His reply needed him to sound interested, but not thirsty or desperate. Just... sweet. But when it comes to her he can't think.
"She stealing my ability to think, gosh." He groans, pinching his nose, stressed.

Without thinking, he types in a reply. Rereading it a few times before pressing send.


Isla (drunk girl)

anything for you.


AUTHORS NOTE — plot twist? yes

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AUTHORS NOTE — plot twist? yes. is it gunna end up okay? you'll have to wait and see!!

WRITTEN — 04/20/2023
PUBLISHED — 004/23/2023

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