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"𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊." The nerves had gotten to Jude as he sifted through his closet. What if she didn't like the little bakery he chose? What if she wanted him to take her to a lavish restaurant with food that costed more than a car payment?

Finally, after texting for a day or two. Jude had suggested that they go to his favorite bakery in Los Angeles before his vacation is over.

His phone starts to ring, causing him to jump slightly. He glances at the name, frowning slightly. He wasn't exactly cheating on Magritte since they weren't together. But he had to make it official. They were over. He was leaving soon anyways, only on vacation for the summer. But he couldn't tell her yet.

Key word, yet.

Isla speed walks towards the little cafe, bumping into people and muttering various apologies. She clasps her hands together, the nerves getting to her. A thousand doubts ran through her head.

What if he doesn't like me when i'm sober?

What if this was all just a big mistake?

What if he's going to tell me that night was a mistake?


What if he does like me?

That last thought made her smile slightly as she fumbles through her purse, shuffling around to find the lipstick that matches the color of her dress. Isla wasn't usually a girl who liked yellow, but she had a good feeling about this outfit today. A yellow, flowy floral dress that stopped right above her knees and cinched her waist. Paired with a pair of white sandals, showing off her newly manicured toe nails.

The pink rouge glides along her lips seamlessly, blending nicely as she smacks her lips together a few times before turning her phone off, having only opened it to use the camera as a mirror, and shoving it inside of her purse alongside her lipstick.
Isla glances inside the window, her eyes darting from table to table until she spots him.

Sitting all alone at a table for two. He looked even better when she was sober. If it was possible, Jude looked like he was some mystical being, something out of this world. His leg nervously bounced underneath the table and he fiddled with his fingers just as she did with hers. A soft smile graces Isla's plump pink lips as she finally builds the courage to open the door, a small ding causing him to look up, meeting eyes with her.

Her large honey eyes meet his, a smile having already been on her lips.
Jude stands up, his lips curving at the corners to make a somewhat normal smile, though he was too nervous to function properly.
"Jude." Her voice echos through his ears. It was like an angel had just fallen from heaven just to breath his name.
Jude stands up, walking over to her slowly before taking her hand, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it, his eyes still staring into hers.

"I love the place you've picked out. It looks very cozy." She smiles, noticing how he still holds her hand.
"I hoped you'd like it. Um... Let's get you something to drink... that's not alcohol." He jokes, smirking as she scoffs at him, though still letting him lead the way to the register.
"Don't even bring that up! I wasn't even that drunk." Jude glances back at her with his mouth agape, shocked that she even believed that statement.
"Okay, Ms. I vomited in the bathroom and then started crying." She squints her eyes at him, causing him to raise his hands in faux surrender.

"Hey, she'd like to get..." Jude starts, turning his head to look at her, waiting for her to finish.
"Just an iced coffee please, thank you." Isla orders, digging in her purse for her wallet when she hears a card swiping. Furrowing her brows, confused, she glances up to see him inputting his card pin, paying for her drink.

"Hey! I was paying." She protests, causing him to laugh at her.
"It wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me if I didn't pay for you." He defends, interlocking his hand with her before leading her towards the table he had claimed for the both of them.

Jude pulls her seat out for her, nodding his head slightly as she thanks him before taking his own seat across from her.
"So, Jude. What do you do for a living?" She innocently questions him, not noticing the way he tenses up slightly, having forgotten that she didn't know.
"Um..I—" Jude falters, not knowing whether to tell her the truth or to lie.

"I'm self employed." Maybe he'd tell her the truth later. But it was too early to tell her anything that would cause her to think of him differently.
"Oh! That's cool. I work in a flower shop just a little bit away from here." Isla informs him, perking up as her name is called, her drink being ready.
"I'll go get it for you." Jude tells her, leaving her alone at the table.

Isla smiles until he's out of view, her eyes wide as she wipes the sweat from her hands onto the seat she sat on.
He was making her nervous. Not in a bad way. Just in a... different way. She had never been with anyone who treated her like he did, and she only knew Jude for the shortest amount of time possible.
But she needed to know more about him. All she knew was that he was self employed, went to a few parties, is a gentleman, and is super attractive.

She couldn't even articulate another thought before he places her coffee in front of her, returning to his seat.
The crystal bracelets on her left wrist made a clinking sound as she picks up her drink, wrapping her lips around the straw, deep in thought. Jude doesn't speak, only watching her, mesmerized by this girl.

He's never felt like this. Well, he has, but this times it's different. He wanted her, but not in a freaky way. He wanted to get to know her as a person. To learn her favorite songs and where she grew up. He wanted to watch the sunset reflect off of her face. He wanted to know who the girl he's mesmerized by is as a person.

With Magritte, he did like her. Not necessarily love, but he did care for her in some type of way. Magritte was there to make him feel good when he was bored. Which sounds messed up but she thought the same of him. She wanted his body, not his soul and mind. But Jude wants Isla's soul and mind, and maybe her body when the time comes and when they know each other way more. But there's no rushing it, he wants to take everything as slow as he can.

"Jude?" Jude blinks his eyes a few times, seeing Isla looking at him worriedly.
"Are you okay? You've been zoning out for a minute or two." She questions him, genuine concern shown in her eyes.
Jude spots that concern, smiling softly before nodding his head.
"I was just thinking about you." The words come out of his mouth before he can even control himself.

He freezes for a split second, his eyes going wide as he realizes what he just said.
A giggle breaks him out of his temporary shock.
"Hope it's not bad." Jude doesn't react instantly, processing her words before smiling subtly.

" There's not a single bad thing I could think about you. "

AUTHORS NOTE — is this chapter cute? i can't tell

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is this chapter cute? i can't tell. it's a bit sloppy but i had to publish a chapter sometime soon so i hope it's decent enough 😭
lmk what you guys want to see next!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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