The Game is Afoot

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Later that evening, in the lair of Professor Ratigan, Hiram sat bitterly, working on the robot. He tensed up as Ratigan entered the workroom while holding his cape dramatically, "Ah, Mr. Flaversham, allow me to present... your charming daughter!"

With that, he moved his cape to reveal Olivia in Fidget's grasp. Hiram's eyes widened in shock, "Olivia!"

"Father!" Olivia shouted, struggling to get away from Fidget.

Finally, she stomped on Fidget's foot and ran over to her father as Fidget hopped up and down in pain holding his foot, "Ow! My foot! My only foot!"

As Fidget did so, Olivia buried her face into Hiram's chest, crying, "Oh, Father! I thought I'd never find you!"

Hiram stroked her head comfortingly, "There, there, my dear. I'm alright. Oh, I was so worried about you."

Ratigan feigned sniffling and mockingly wiped his fake tears with a handkerchief. "Oh, how sweet... I just love tearful reunions." With that, he roughly snatched Olivia out of her father's arms, "Now, come along, my dear."

"No, please!" Olivia pleaded, struggling as Ratigan handed her back over to Fidget. "Father!"

Hiram tried to run to his only daughter, but Ratigan forcibly held him back, "Olivia!" He then turned to plea to the crime lord, "Oh, please, Professor..."

"Now, now, Fidget will take good care of her." Ratigan lightly patted his head before his face darkened, and he added threateningly, "That is, as long as we have no further delays!"

Hiram fearfully nodded, not for his shake but for his daughter's, as he quickly returned his work, "Yes, I'll finish it! Please, just don't hurt my daughter!"

Ratigan made his way over to the door, grabbing the knob, as he reminded him, "Remember, it must be ready... by tonight!"

With that, Ratigan slammed the door behind him...

Fidget made his way to a giant green glass despite the little girl's protests, "Stop! Let me go!"

He then stuffed the girl inside before putting a cork over it to prevent her escape, "That ought to hold ya!"

"Help! Let me out!" Olivia demanded as she knocked on the inside of the glass bottle, "LET ME OUT!"

"See how you like that!" The pegged legged bat declared before blowing a raspberry at her. He then hummed a catchy tune as he returned to his boss.

Speaking of whom, Ratigan was going over the other things Fidget stole for him. Pulling out the clothes that were once for the toy soldiers, the crime lord smirked, "Ah, the uniforms! I knew I could rely on you, Fidget. You just be the perfect bat for the job of your next assignment to bring me the boy for our dear friend Xehanort. That is... if you didn't forget anything?"

"No problem, I took care of everything. Everything on the list." The minion declared proudly as opened his left wing to present him with the checklist, unfortunately for him, it wasn't there. His eyes widened in shock, "Uh-oh..."

Ratigan's eyes narrowed at him, "What's wrong?"

"The list..." He frantically began to search his pockets for it, "I know..."

"Where's the list?!" The evil professor demanded.

Fidget gulped nervously, "The list, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well you see, uh, it was like this," The bat then retold the events that he had just gone through, "I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard," He went on all fours mimicking the dog, "A-roo! A-roo!"

Ratigan raised an eyebrow, mentally questioning Fidget's sanity, before admitting, "I don't follow."

Fidget was in the middle of panting like a dog as he went on, "A dog came, and I ran! I got the girl in the bag, and Basil and some costumed good-doers chased me even with the monsters backing me..."

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