Chapter 6

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Back at the entrance of the USJ, a few heroes didn't re-locate to a different area.

The purple warp slowly vanished into thin air. Thirteen Was in front of the up-coming students in a protective stance. 

"Who here can run the fastest?" Thirteen asked cautiously while only slightly turning their head.

"I can!" Iida said proudly, waiting for instructions.

"Dash as fast as you can and get help. We are relying on you" Thirteen then turned their head to lock on to Kurogiri. 

Iida was taken aback by this order, it looked as if he was going to say something to refute the order, but he slowly turned and sprinted for the door.

"Good kid" Thirteen sighed.


Izuku walked through the endless desert, he was just abandoned by his mother, and yet he continued to walk. Then he saw a man, This man wore a fur coat and had a cigar in his mouth, with a scar across his face. Izuku looked down at the man's hand and saw it was a giant golden hook.

"You can't die like this kid" the man said emotionlessly.


Izuku finally got up and looked around, he could see he was on a boat with Tsuyu and Hime. He noticed they were surrounded by villains and that Tsuyu and Hime were fighting to protect him.

"Get off your ass and help!" Hime shouted. 

Hime then punched a villain in the face, knocking them out. Izuku got up and joined in attacking the villains.

"Do we have a plan to take them out?" Izuku asked.

The lack of an answer gave him just enough information. Izuku then had a plan after some thought.

"Do you guys trust me?" Izuku asked.

After some talking, Hime jumped off the boat and in that quick moment of Hime being off, Izuku and Tsuyu tried pushing off the villains by any means. Then, Hime reeled her arm back, ready to launch a punch downwards to the pool of water. Then she launched the punch. Creating a massive shockwave towards the water, forcing it to explode. The villains who stayed in the water flew out and Izuku sent out his golden fist to hit as many villains he could with as much might he could muster. Tsuyu then wrapped her tongue around Hime and grabbed Izuku and jumped off ship, getting as close as she could towards shore.

"I don't like gambles, but I'll give you that Midoriya" Hime said with a slight frown.

Izuku couldn't respond clearly and he felt weak, so he could only muster up a weak thumbs up. They then got up onto solid ground and Izuku lied down on the ground facing the sky, trying to recollect his strength.


"Scatter then kill us, huh?" Todoroki said.

He looked around the landscape and saw what one would think were poor ice sculptures, but on closer inspection, they were all villains waiting to ambush the young man.

"At this rate, you guys will die of frostbite, but since I'm aiming to be a hero, heroes don't do such horrible things. Tell me, what's the basis of your plan to kill All Might?" Todoroki asked coldly.


A group of three were fighting a countless number of villains. 

"Who the hell are these guys?" Denki asked, narrowly dodging an attack.

"Focus on that later, we need to focus on staying alive," Kyoka said. "Wait, can't you just electrocute all these small fry?" 

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