'Happy Birthday Babe .xx'

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Isabella’s POV:

“You mean…this is all –“

“Shh!” Zayn covered my mouth with his large hands.

“We have to prepare for tomorrow night though. You didn’t forget about it did you?”

I shook my head and took his hand off my mouth, “Of course I remembered her birthday!” I whispered.

He smiled and kissed my head, “It’s gonna be at the lads’ house so I’ll be gone for a while tomorrow.” He whispered.

I nodded understandingly, “My lips are sealed.”

“I love you,” His arms went around my waist. I smiled and put my arms around his neck smelling his sweet cologne.

“I love you too,” I whispered.


Louis’ POV:

I walked up the stairs trying to find Rose. We needed her help with the decorations, since she was the best at this stuff.

I huffed as I finally reached the top and went into our room seeing Rose’s body fully exposed. She wasn’t facing me. Her towel was on the floor at her feet, as she went in her drawer to pull out a bra. Her body was still wet and dripping from the shower she just took, her black hair was also wet on her back.

“Ooooo,” I said.

She turned only her head and her eyes widened, “OH MY GOSH! LOUIS!”

I chuckled at her reaction as she quickly pulled the towel above her breasts, her legs only exposed now. She turned around her cheeks beaming a pink rose color.

“Louis! What the hell!?”

“New style eh?” I snickered.

Her eyes squinted a bit, giving me an evil glare, “Shut up.”

“You should wear it around more often.”

She rolled her eyes, “Louis get out!”

“Aw, c’mon Rosie –“ A pillow suddenly came in contact with my face.


“But –“

Another pillow suddenly hit my face, “Ok! Ok!” I ran out the room, hearing it lock from the other side. I laughed as I walked downstairs meeting Zayn and the other lads who were getting ready for everything.

“Who’s cooking the cake?” I asked.

“I am!” Harry said from the kitchen. I turned my head seeing him in a chef’s hat, stirring the dough.

“That’s not a good idea…” I said.

“Why not?” Danielle asked.

“It’s Harry we’re talking about here.”

“Heyyy! I used to work in a bakery!” He replied.

“Yah, USED to,” I teased.

“Alright Louis, go ahead and help Niall clean up,” Liam instructed. “Zayn and Rose could work on the decorations and I – “

“Woah woah woah stop right there Daddy Direction. First off, I will not clean that mess over there – “

“And why is that?” Rose’s voice startled me. I turned around to see her in skinny jeans and a sweater, with a hoodie on her head.

“I see you didn’t go with your new style,” I snickered.

She smacked my head, “Shut up Louis. Now why aren’t you gonna help Niall clean?”

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