'But wouldn't this only be hurting her more?'

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Isabella’s POV: (continued)

“Alex?” I questioned surprisingly.

“Aye Isabella, how are you?” He smiled spreading his arms out.

I wasn’t exactly disappointed that he was there, but I wasn’t excited that he was here either.

“Um…I’m fine.” I answered, “What’re you doing here? How'd you find me?"

“Well I was on break so I decided to come check up on you and I guess it was luck that I saw you, but you don’t look too happy about that…maybe I should go. Sorry.” He said turning around.

“No! Wait!” He stopped, turning back around. “I didn’t mean that, I was just curious…” I looked down at the ground finding my shoes interesting.

“Here, let me help you with that.” He came closer to me and unlocked the door, turning the knob slowly and finally opening the door.

How did he do that?

“Thanks.” I mumbled, rolling my bag inside. I walked in, looking around at the small apartment. It wasn’t just small and tight, but it looked like a tornado just passed through. Sky is such a lying bitch. I looked around the place and hated it already.

I wanted to go back to Zayn.

I turned around still seeing Alex at the door. “You can come in, ya know?” I said. I lied down on the old-looking couch and put my foot on the ledge of it, leaving one dangling on the ground.

“You ok?” He asked.

I let out a deep sigh, “Yeah…”

“You’re so beautiful.” I remembered him whisper the day before I left. I missed him already so much. It’s barely been 2 days.

“Isabella? What’s wrong?” Alex came over to the couch. He kneeled right beside me so he could see the side of my face. I touched my face and realized I had been crying. I put my hand over my face and broke into tears, flooding my face.

“Izz, c’mon. Talk to me.” Alex said.

I shook my head. I felt a hand creep up to both of mine. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”

I turned over, ignoring him completely and faced the back of the couch digging my head into the fabric. Why did I leave him? What was I thinking when I said I could this?! This is all my fault!


I woke up smelling some strong coffee. I sat up finding myself covered and still on the couch, that I refused to get off of. I looked to the kitchen and saw Alex brewing some coffee.

“Morning Isabella,” He smiled.

“Morning…” I mumbled holding my head from the pain that was coming over me.

“I hope you don’t mind me staying on the floor. I was worried sick about ya.” He explained.

He walked over putting the cup of coffee on the table in front of me. “Here.”


He nodded and sat down in front of me. “So what’s up?”

“Meh…I don’t wanna talk about it…” I answered.

He put his hand on my thigh. I shot an alerting look at him. “Sorry.” He quickly removed his hand. I didn’t even respond. I didn’t know how. What the hell was that?

“It’s better if you talk about it…you and Zayn broke up?”

I looked at him, raising one of my eyebrows, “How’d you know?”

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Sequel to Moments)Where stories live. Discover now