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I did the right thing...did I?


Of course I did.

I gave Felix the happiness he deserved.

Fein thought, as he walks weakly out of that alley, with the heavy rain falling.

But why...

He felt a stab in his heart as he held his chest and kneeled to the ground, breaking down.

He leaned over the wall as he grabbed something in his pocket.

Why do I still long for you...?

Why do I want to hold you?

Fein asked, staring at the engagement ring he bought.

Flashback earlier afternoon:

"Bro! You sure about his size tho?" Dre asked as he checks out some rings in the jewelry store.

"Of course I do! We mostly have the same finger size"

"Definitely made for holding each other huh?" Lee teased.

"Hahaha! Well, knowing Felix, he always pick simplicity, but unique..."
Fein said, looking for the perfect ring.

A ring caught his eye. It has a stone, not too small, not too big with the same color of Felix's eye. It's shiny, and definitely lovely.

"That's not bad dude!" Dre yelled.

"You think he'll like this one?"

"Of course he will!"

Fein payed for the ring at such a high amount. But that money is nothing, compared to the love he got for Felix.

Fein stared at the box with the ring inside and holding it to his heart.

"It's the timing....Felix...we met in the wrong time.."

Fein said, as a tear fell from his eyes. He cried all night long. Rain poured, but instead of drowning himself into sadness, he decided that it was to clean himself.

To start anew. He won't forget Felix. He is the best thing that happened to him.

Felix made him realize that love is possible, you just got to wait.

Wait for that one and only.

Who knows...maybe you already crossed paths.

Love is real. You just got to time it perfectly.

Fein went back home, seeing all Felix's stuffs are now gone. He rewatched their memories by looking around the house.

"Oh!! Dough spreading huhh??? Lemme give you a taste of this icing! HAHAHA!!!"
Fein stared at the kitchen as he reminiscences their moments.

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