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Kim Y/N'S POV:
I was now sat infront of seven guys. They all wore intimidating looks on their faces and I was scared shitless, they were really trained and had immaculate strength. "I say we kill her, she could be a spy" the Yoongi guy said folding his arms "Yoongi we can't! She seems legit" Namjoon said, they had introduced themselves as if they weren't trying to scare me off but Yoongi was not having it at all

"She's really pretty" Jimin stated staring right at me. I grew uncomfortable under their gazes "What do we do with her?" Jin asked "let her join the team" Jungkook said looking at his friends "No!" Yoongi snapped "yes!" Namjoon scolded "Absolutely not. I trust no one" I snapped standing up the boys backed up but one stayed put Taehyung, he grabbed my wrist and stared me down "you'll do as we say! You're struggling to survive on your own. We've seen your leg" his face grew closer to mine "I don't care. I've survived for a year now on my own! No one controls my actions I am my own person!" I exclaimed yanking my wrist away from his grip

"Come on, won't it be nice being with people?" hoseok asked walking closer I shook my head, flashbacks to me waking up alone with limited supplies and no where to go. Tears brimmed my eyes "You'll leave me just like the others did, you will think I'm weak. You will think you don't need a girl in your team" I folded my arms not letting the tears fall I don't want to make myself vulnerable in front of a bunch of guys "Y/N right?" I turned my head to the voice I looked at Jin "you could be in our team, we can all survive together until we make it to the safe haven" he was trying to convince me and I shook my head

"No, absolutely not" I walked towards the fire escape and began climbing down "it wasn't nice meeting you guys" I stated plainly and slid down landing on the dumpster, I began hot wiring the wires again and I started the engine and grinned as it roared to life I mounted the bike move it backwards and drove down the road turned the corner out of the eye line of the boys.

I drove to a store needing more water and food I parked the car subtly and got off removing my pistol from its holder and grabbed my dagger cautiously walking towards the store I saw a zombie near the front so I rolled behind a bush and pulled out my sniper aiming it at the zombies head, shooting it. I slid my sniper back onto my back and I inhaled sharply and bolted towards the front door opening it and closing it behind me regretting the decision seeing a hoard of zombies roaming the store so I just began shooting until the pistol was knocked from my hand

"Shit!" I shouted looking for both my pistol and dagger. I was tackled by a zombie and it sent us crashing through the front window of the store "Argghh" blood dripped from its mouth and onto my face causing me to grimace I thrashed around trying to stop it from biting me "Get. Off. Me!" I screamed kicking my legs I noticed a red dot appear on its forehead and a gunshot went off the zombies were drawn to the noise and I was grabbed by someone and my back slammed into a wall "how fucking stupid are you?!" Yoongi seethed covering my mouth I stared at him blankly

Gunshots rang around for a while until it went quiet "they're dead!" A voice called out Yoongi grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the wall and around the corner where I saw the rest of the guys I glared "I had it myself" I scoffed and Namjoon shook his head "admit it, you need us" he stated and I shook my head this time "No I don't. Like I said I had it" I walked away from them and walked it into the store "Y/N your back!" Jin exclaimed and I frowned picking up my pistol, dagger and bag I had flung off mid fight "what about it?" And that's when I realised I winced as I took the bag off "there's glass shards in your back, come one we should remove them" Jin gently guided me to their van

"You're not going to kidnap me and kill me are you?" I asked "don't give us the idea" Jungkook smirked and I rolled my eyes climbing in the back, Jin took my bag and placed it to the side I was sat to leave the motorbike but I wouldn't be able to drive it in my condition. "Why did you leave?" He asked curiously "like I said I don't trust anyone, I'm my own person and keep to myself I'm not used to being around people again" I explained myself and covered my mouth realising I let too much slip "it's fine, you can trust us" he gave a genuine smile but someone spoke up "can we trust her?" Jimin. It was Jimin.

"Of course we can" Jin said glaring at him slightly I tensed as the van stopped and the back doors opened revealing Yoongi and Namjoon I slowly got out with the others behind me as we walked towards the fire escape Jin helped me climb on-top of the dumpster and I climbed up slowly feeling a glass shard in my shoulder I made it and Namjoon helped pull me over the edge making sure I didn't fall we walked towards their shelter and Jin pulled out two med kits "lay on your stomach on here" he said patting a makeshift medical table "and take your shirt off" he said too casually

"Make them leave then" I said he looked at the six guys who effortlessly walked out I sighed and removed my shirt feeling insecure and self conscious I lay on my stomach feeling Jin's cold hands pull out the glass shards with tweezers sending shivers down my spine and pain. I winced each time he pulled one out "they'll need stitching then I'll have to wrap your top half in bandages, first I'll disinfect them" he explained applying the disinfectant I hissed as it stung "are you like them medical of the group?" I asked feeling a singular tear escape my eye

"Yeah, I've always tended to the guys wounds. Don't worry they'll warm up to you soon, they have mad trust issues especially Yoongi" I felt him stitching up the wounds "why are you being so kind to me? We just met.." I whispered he chuckled slightly "Look Y/N, everyone needs a friend especially during a zombie apocalypse. You're alone and I got to be honest we haven't seen a girl in so long that's alive. I promise you the others will warm up to you and as far as I know them will put their lives out for you" he explained I sat up as he wrapped me up in a bandage

I slipped my shirt back on "nice piercing by the way" Jin commented and I looked at my belly piercing with a small smile " was an 25th birthday present from my mother. Before all this started" another singular tear escaped my eye "it's alright" he put a hand on my good shoulder "you won't be alone anymore" he pulled me into a hug....I haven't had a hug in a while and it felt so nice

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