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Kim Y/N'S POV:
I wiped my eyes as all seven boys sat intently listening to my story. Jungkook was sat behind me and pulled me into a hug his arms around my waist as his head rested on my chest, I grew confused and weary at all the eyes watching the current situation "I can't believe you had to watch your parents die" he whispered in my ear and I know it's wrong but shivers went down my spine

My throat grew dry. Jungkook let me go and I sighed "we've all seen people die. All we can hope now is we survive together" I stated the others gave nods as we all got comfy in the back of the van and went to sleep. I was smushed in between Yoongi and Jimin while Jungkook lay behind me and the others slept in the weirdest ways possible
I woke up to the van moving and I yawned seeing Yoongi, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook still asleep only Jimin was awake aside from Namjoon and Jin up front "Get enough sleep?" He asked and I nodded "Yeah you?" I asked as I turned my head to look at him as he was sat up so I sat up "Yeah I did, feeling any better?" He asked turning his head to look at me. We made direct eye contact and I nodded losing my words "good" he whispered his eyes moved down as he looked at my face and looked back up at my eyes I frowned slightly

"Remember what I said when we first met?" He asked and I nodded slowly "I meant it" his eyes moved back to my lips and he licked his own moving forward I couldn't move I was frozen, I can't lie he was a gorgeous guy. His lips met with mine as he kissed me and I kissed him back, I don't know why something just came over me and our lips moved in sync his hand cupped my cheek as he bit my bottom lip making me gasp he pulled away from the kiss and he looked at me "I really meant it" he said again and I was out of breath, I looked away from him flustered

"I- you're good looking too" I said fiddling with my hands feeling awkward but at the same time I enjoyed it. "What are you two talking about?" A voice rang out causing me and Jimin to scream and wake the others up seeing Jin standing in front of the van doors having them wide open "You woke me up!" Yoongi seethed leaping towards me and Jimin I squealed and dived behind Jungkook and Taehyung who were frowning with cute pouts on their faces

"Sorry for you guys up. I scared the others" Jin apologised "we stopped because we need more fuel Namjoon is topping this baby up" Jin commented patting the Vans floor I nodded and got up and climbed out the van stretching my legs yawning the others following suit and grabbing their weapons "go inside grab supplies. Be quick" Jin ordered and we jogged off I headed towards the medical isle as the boys went to the food isle I inhaled sharply and grabbed bandages and the lot to make sure none of us get infected while being outside with opened wounds. "Y/N?" A voice interrupted me "Yea?" I asked turning around and seeing Jungkook

"Are you okay?" He asked tilting his head I nodded and he gave me a small smile "why?" I asked him grabbing a lip balm from one of the isles he shrugged "Oh I don't know. Can I just check something?" He asked I nodded again "sure?" I grew cautious of him as he lifted his hand and ran his thumb across my lower lip and then he pressed his thumb to his index finger frowning and then smelling his thumb before proceeding to have wide eyes before licking his thumb "Strawberry.." he whispered and his head whipped to the side staring at Jimin down the isle who was filing a bag up with supplies

"Did you two-." I covered his mouth "Shh! Don't tell any of the others okay? It was in the heat of the moment.." I whispered trying to keep Jungkook quiet "How come he got to kiss you?" He asked with a frown and I rolled my eyes "I am not some item to share okay? Like I said it just happened!" I snapped he shook his head "You're so naive" he muttered "what's that supposed to mean?" I asked pushing him back slightly "the same way Jimin looks at you. Is just simply the way we all look at you" he walked off after that

I stood there dumbfounded and worried at the same time. "Y/N let's go quick!" Yoongi yelled grabbing my arm and began running that's when I heard growling from zombies and I ran "To the van!" He shouted everyone climbed in and we dived in the back slamming the doors closed "Jesus" I panted out throwing my bag to the side and leaning against the side of the van everyone was out of breath but we got the van back on the road and hopefully we could make it to the safe haven and I can get away from the guys I need to remember this is for my survival and I can't feel anything for any of them

I buried my face in my hands and sighed as the others rambled on about other things. Jungkook cleared his throat and spoke "I think there's something everyone should know" he stated blankly and I my eyes widened "what is it JK?" Taehyung asked leaning forward and Yoongi became intrigued whereas Jimin frowned Hoseok was quiet with his arms folded waiting for Jungkook to talk "Two people in here..have a secret" He announced and I turned my head away from the group and Jimin's eyes darted to me as I grumbled curse words under my breath

"Who?" Hoseok asked moving closer to them "Jimin and little miss Y/N" Jungkook finished I knew he was salty at the kiss shared between me and Jimin but did he need to tell everyone?! I turned my head to see all of them staring between me and Jimin and Jimin swallowed thickly "what about them?" Yoongi asked his eyes narrowed and I grew anxious messing around with my sleeves "They. Kissed." Jungkook announced causing wide eyes, gasps, comments "what?!" Taehyung shouted standing up "No fucking way" Yoongi snapped

"Quit messing around" hoseok slapped Jungkook's arm and he scoffed "fine then don't believe me!" He shouted and turned away when the all the guys looked at me Jimin had now stood up "it's true" he said, he had the word nervous written all over him I swear "What. The. Fuck." Yoongi didn't look happy "it was just in the heat of the moment!" I blurted out wanting to ease the tension within the back of the van where anyone can pull out a weapon on anyone "It shouldn't of happened! You know our deal!" Taehyung stated walking towards Jimin

"What deal?" I asked frowning "None of us were supposed to fall in love with you. Nothing like that not even a little and as soon as we got the safe haven it'll all be over" Jungkook answered "But that means we all broke our deal!" Hoseok shouted causing the back of the van to fall quiet. I looked at the floor finding it very interesting as the others just looked at one another it grew awkward in the moment "Okay hoseok, you should not of blurted that out" Jimin muttered rubbing his face

"It was in the heat of the moment" Hoseok rephrased my words from earlier and I couldn't help but smile slightly staring at the floor "Y/N, are you okay?" Jungkook asked and I sighed "Yeah I'm fine. How long until we arrive at the safe haven?" I asked "twenty four hours guys!" Tae said smiling and we all cheered. Finally I can stick to my promise to myself.

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