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We had been on the boat for ages and I started to get sea sick, I was currently in the attached bathroom to the bedroom we were all in. I had my hair tied back and Jisoo rubbed my back "You'll be okay.." she whispered as I began retching burn nothing came up because I hadn't eaten in two days I had already introduced the girls to the guys Yoongi and Taehyung were hesitant at first but they endured my decision

I sat on the bathroom floor breathing heavily as Jisoo helped me stand and I splashed water on my face "let's go back to the others" I stated as we opened the bathroom door and the others turned their heads to look at us I slumped onto the bed and my head was in Jungkook's lap as he wrapped his arms around my torso burying his head into the crook of my neck. "We better be safe after this, no tests, no fighting" Namjoon sighed "Joon..." I whispered "This was one wicked adventure" I mumbled and he chuckled

"We survived this together. It was..crazy" Jimin commented and we agreed with him Jisoo and Lisa were huddled in a corner resting, asleep. I inhaled sharply curling up and closing my eyes as I rested
I woke up to someone shaking me "Come on Y/N..we need to go. We're safe now" It was Taehyung I mumbled and sat up realising Jungkook was up already and they had their stuff so I decided to grab mine. I sighed and got off the bed "We're safe?" I asked he nodded and I grinned as a guard opened the door signalling us to follow and we happily walked behind him as he led us off the boat

We got up top and saw in tact buildings, people, cars. It was an amazing sight after all these years and we approached the new city I didn't even know where we were but I didn't care as we stood at the end of the dock which lengthened out onto a beach "Race you guys" I said giggling and they sighed glancing at one another they inhaled and I began running down the dock the others followed behind Jungkook easily catching up we ended up on a beach. I inhaled the scent of the salty water and a smile spread on my face as I ran to where the ocean started

The others stood either side of me and tears ran down my face, not sad tears happy tears. We were free, we were safe, we did this together. I looked at all of them before speaking

"That was a way to survive"

We all sat down, together. Admiring the ocean.

We were free

We were safe

We did this...Together.

A way to survive ~OT7 x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now