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I found a tent companied by two girls and I sat with them "I'm Jisoo" she introduced herself the other girl was quiet, so was I. "I'm Lisa.." the other spoke I said nothing "here's some spare clothes, we'll stand outside the tent" Lisa spoke they exited the tent and I actually decided to change, I had showered beforehand in the girls showers:

" the other spoke I said nothing "here's some spare clothes, we'll stand outside the tent" Lisa spoke they exited the tent and I actually decided to change, I had showered beforehand in the girls showers:

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I inhaled sharply and unzipped the tent and signalled them to come back inside "I'm.." I struggled to talk swallowing the lump forming in my throat "I'm Y/N" I introduced myself and they smiled slightly "it's nice to meet you Y/N..." Jennie whispered and I nodded placing my head in my lap "How did you guys survive?" I asked them "There was four of us.." Lisa started "Me, Lisa, Rose and Jennie" Jisoo took over and I nodded slowly

"We got halfway here and turned" Lisa continued and I nodded wiping my eyes "How about you?" Lisa asked and I took a shaky breath, I wasn't gonna tell them I was apparently in a coma "I had a the past but they left me for dead. I was alone for a year but I found this group of seven boys, two were brothers to me. The other lovers. We got split up by my old group and zombies for a few days, I saved a young girl named Malia but she got bit. I found the group again. We made it here together but now I can't find them" I spilled maybe they could help

"One of them...was unconscious when we arrived" I whispered more tears threatened fall. Their faces dropped "Y/N, their tent is all the way across camp" Jisoo gasped "well then I better get walking" I mumbled Lisa looked alarmed "you wont make it there on your own, everyone here are scavengers. They're vicious!" Jisoo exclaimed I sighed shaking my head "I need them.." I whimpered before I started crying again letting my emotions get the better of me. "We'll go with you" the girls got up and I nodded before leaving the tent and we began making our way to find my boys.

"How many tents are there?!" I exclaimed shocked by so many people who managed to survive this nightmare "I don't know. But I hate this section" Lisa grabbed my wrist and dragged me forward before we bumped into someone "well well well...little Y/N survived!" The voice sent shivers down my spine..Jake. Along with Kylie and Jackson "You survived?" I asked utterly shocked "of course. Where's your guard dogs?" Kylie sneered and I tensed Lisa and Rose were quiet not sure what to do but by my story they pictured the unpleasantry of this reunion

"I'm off to find them now" I mumbled unaware of how badly I let my own guard down "really? How far are they?" Jackson questioned a sickening grin on his face "Not far..around the uh area" I lied and from my time being alive I knew I was a terrible liar "Lies." Kylie spat at me and I shook my head "No! Im not lying" I shouted getting defensive "Lie two." Jackson tapped Kylie and I realised Jake had disappeared "where did Jake g-." I was cut off by a hand slamming onto my mouth. "Mm!" Jake was behind me

"Grab the other two" he ordered and I shook my head as I bit jakes hand "RUN!" I shouted at Lisa and Jisoo they looked at each other then me before sprinting, I didn't blame them they didn't know me that long and they didn't need to stick around to know what would happen to them. Jake, Kylie and Jackson threw me in their tent and zipped it up "Now.." Jake mumbled rummaging through a bag I was curled up in corner "Grab her" Jake ordered and I shook my head as Jackson grabbed one arm and Kylie grabbed the other and Jake placed duct tape over my mouth

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