#34: You're Insecure about your body size (Requested)

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A/N: I do take requests for this preference book, so if you have any suggestions, just message me or comment on this. I will see it, as I am on this app quite often. And I will NOT do dirty themed ones, as all these preferences are all clean.
This prefrence idea was requested by :
@Mikey_is_Punk_Rock:) Thank you so much for the idea!!!

Calum: You glanced at yourself in the mirror, your nose scrunching up in disgust. You're fat, you're not good enough for Calum. Tears welled up in your eyes making your vision blurry.
Your stomach had tons of flab, making you look fat. You didn't understand, you exercised everyday. Suddenly, you heard Calum, your longtime boyfriend, come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist. Little did you know what he was standing right outside the door watching you. "You're not fat babe. You're perfectly skinny and beautiful. I love your figure, it's so amazing. Don't ever think you're fat, princess. You are perfect just the way you are" He said singing that last part.
You smiled and turned around, giving Calum a sweet kiss. "I'm so lucky" You said as Calum wrapped an arm around you. "Me too" Calum said leaning over and kissing your cheek.

Luke: Am I fat? You thought as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Luke always told you that you had a perfect figure, but you were a little skeptical about that. You noticed that your legs had gotten some flab to them, as well as your stomach. "I'm so ugly, why is Luke with me?" You thought out loud.
"You are not ugly love. You are so freaking gorgeous and so much prettier than any celebrity. I love you so damn much, don't forget that. You are not fat, you are the perfect size" Luke said appearing beside you.
"And to prove all that, I'm going to do this" Luke said pulling out his phone.
Oh no, You thought.
He turned it on and showed you his lockscreen. It was a picture of you and Luke standing on a beach in Sydney.
He had an arm wrapped around your waist and he was kissing your cheek.
You had a light blue one piece on, which showed off your figure.
Luke turned off his phone and shoved it back in his pocket. Then, he pulled you closer to him and kissed you.
He started kissing your lips, neck, ear, and just everywhere. He left light feathery kisses all over your face and ending at your lips. After he did all that, he said" See? Your beautiful."
You loved Luke so much.

Michael: You had just gotten a new pair of black jeans and couldn't wait to see what they looked like on you.
You told Michael this, who said" Hurry up and change" You laughed and went into the bathroom to change.
But as you were slipping them on, they felt tight and very uncomfortable. You were so confused, because you thought you got the right size, a 16. You struggled to zip up the fly, and managed to do just that in matter of three minutes. You looked at yourself in the mirror and broke down sobbing. The jeans were so big on you, and you immediately ripped them off. You sank down on the bathroom floor, not caring that you were in your underwear. Michael came in and saw you sitting on the floor crying. He rushed over and pulled you into his strong arms, cradling you like a baby. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"I'm so fat, the jeans didn't even zip up" You replied through sobs.
"Listen to me Y/N. You are perfectly healthy and skinny, not fat at all. I love you so much, and that's all that matters" He said kissing you on the top of the head. And that is why Michael Gordon Clifford is your rock.

Ashton: "Ash, am I fat?" You asked your boyfriend of four years. You felt tears welling up in your eyes.
"No, you're perfectly skinny, why?" Ashton replied. "Some of your fans called me fat on Twitter" You said handing him your phone.
Ashton didn't look happy as he scrolled through all the hateful tweets towards you. You heard him typing furiously on your phone. " I told all of them it leave you alone and that you have a perfect body" Ashton said smiling.
You smiled back and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you Irwin"
"Love ya too Y/L/N"

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