#52: He's Your Teacher (Luke)

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Luke: You couldn't help but stare at your very attractive algebra teacher, Mr. Hemmings. He wasn't that much older than you, being 22. You were twenty, so he was only a year older.
You have had the biggest crush on him ever since the start of college.
He only thinks of you as a student, You thought sadly.
Mr. Hemmings probably already has a girlfriend with his good looks and charm.
Mr. Hemmings had soft blonde hair that was almost always styled up into a very tall quiff, ocean blue eyes you could get lost in, soft pink lips that were pierced and long legs. Oh, and he's Australian.
He always wore a white button down, black skinny jeans, and black Converse to school. There was no doubt that every girl in the school was in love with him. They would wink at Mr. Hemmings when they passed him in the hallway, flirt with him, etc.
None of these things worked on him though. He would always tell them off politely, making the girls angry. Your grades in Math are still pretty decent though.
You've managed to concentrate in class and pay attention to what he's saying. One day, Mr. Hemmings asked you to come to his classroom after school ended. Alone. So, you nervously walked into his classroom on a Friday afternoon, when school had ended.
Mr. Hemmings was sitting on his desk looking hot as usual. He subtly unbuttoned three of the buttons on his white button down shirt, revealing a little bit of his chest. "Hi Y/N" He said. "Good afternoon Mr. Hemmings, you wanted to see me?" You asked with your heart beating out of your chest. "I've been watching you these past couple semesters. I notice you staring at me during class, but somehow you mantain your grades.
I admit, that's impressive.
Every girl in my class is failing Math except for you" He said smiling.
"So, why did you call me down here if I'm doing well in Math?" You asked confused. "I called you down here because I want to tell you a secret" He replied smirking. Oh my gosh, that smirk is so hot! You thought while unconciously biting your bottom lip.
You looked over at Luke, whose face was bright red. "Can you not bite your bottom lip like that?" He asked.
"Why?" You said. "Because you're making me feel very nervous" He replied softly. "Oh sorry" You said letting go of your bottom lip.
What happened next was like a dream. Mr. Hemmings slid off his desk, walking towards you. You gulped as he got closer and closer to you. Then, he was grabbing you by the waist, pulling you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Mr. Hemmings brought his lips up to your ear, saying" I like you Y/N" You felt your face heat up. "Oh and call me Luke, I hate being called Mr. Hemmings, it makes me feel like an old man" He added before pressing his lips gently on yours.
The kiss was full of love and you felt fireworks. It lasted for about twenty minutes. Then, after that, Luke asked you to be his girlfriend. And that was the start of your beautiful relationship with your alegbra teacher.

A/N: Sorry this is kind of a weird one!
I'm running out of ideas for preferences, so I might just end the book here. But don't worry, there will be a book 2! Stay tuned on my account for more updates:)

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