As we get home Lars once again holds all the bags as I open the door and hold it for him to walk through, I close the door behind me and lock it again after locking my car. Lars puts all my bags down in my room 'Thanks Lars.' I say, hugging him. He hugs me back, 'No problem Y/N.' we stop hugging for a second and I hold his wrist, walking into my room. 'Huh-?' He looks at me for a second, obviously confused. 'We... Need to talk.' I say, looking him in the eye. He looks.. Scared? 'Yeah.. 'course! Uh. Whats up?' I take a deep breath and begin speaking.
'...Again, I'm not sure if I could've said that better but there you go. I like you. Love you, even.'
I have my hands intertwined with eachother as he opens his mouth. 'Y/N.. I uh. I love you too..' He clears his throat. 'So.. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?' I look him in the eye for a second, suprised at what he said. I hesitantly nod, then becoming more enthusiastic I wrap my arms around him, 'Yes! I wanna be your girlfriend!' He cups my face and we share a heartfelt kiss, a kiss we should have shared long ago. 'I love you Y/N.' He whispers to me. 'I love you too Lars.' I say back, kissing his cheek as he smiles widely.A few minutes later I find myself infront of James, squealing about what had just happened. He wasn't much of a person to get super excited but you could tell he was happy for Lars and I. 'Let's go Y/N! You did it!' He exclaimed, giving me a high-five.
While I'm squealing with James next to me, Cliff walks over to us, 'Hey. What happened to Y/N?' he asked James, I grab his shoulders and shake him vigorously, 'Me and Lars are together now!' Cliff looked like he was about to throw up but he was happy for us. 'Aw sweet Y/N! Is he nice to you?' I nod, giggling. 'Of course he is!' He smiles back, 'If he's ever mean to you, come to me. I'll beat his ass.' all three of us laugh.
It's now seven o'clock. I decided to make us all a salad and steak for dinner at six so now me, Lars, Kirk, James and Cliff were all sitting on the sofa watching a movie. I was in between Lars and Kirk. 'Hey, Y/N, Lars,' He whispered to us, we both turned out heads to look at him. 'Congrats dudes. I'm glad you guys are finally together and I don't have to hear 'oh my god Kirk, Y/N is so cute I need to ask her out someday' anymore.' He smiles at us both, I smile back at him. 'Thanks man.' Lars says.