Chapter 103

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Zhang Fangyuan set up a small stall near the city gate, and spent a few pennies to hire two errands to deliver news to places with many refugees. There was a sound, and soon they formed a pile.

"The recruitment of farm laborers here is not a charity. Those who are interested stay in the line to sign up. If they are unintentional, they disperse and do not disturb the order."

Zhang Fangyuan had invited someone to look at the warehouse in the martial arts gym before, and he thought it was especially useful. Another time, I invited two men in the martial arts hall, and they stood up in front of the booth with their arms folded. The refugees didn't dare to do this at will, so they had to timidly look around a meter away.

"Master, how do you recruit the farm laborers here?"

In the end, someone heard that there was a chance to settle down. Seeing two men on the left and the right sandwiching the young man in the middle, he thought it was the owner, so he boldly stepped forward to ask.

Zhang Fangyuan saw that some refugees were interested and stood up happily, but the refugee found that the man sitting was taller and mightier than the two strong men beside him, and his face was fierce, so he shrank back in fright.

Seeing this, Xu He pulled Zhang Fangyuan back and sat down, and muttered: "I don't know why people in their twenties can grow longer than Ruijin Ruicarp."

Zhang Fangyuan touched the tip of his nose, thinking that he would It's not that you fed him too well, he didn't speak, and sat back honestly.

Then Xu He said loudly to the refugees: "There is land in the village outside the city, and a group of hired farmers can be recruited for spring farming. Young and strong men can apply for four mu of land, and young women can apply for two mu of land. Those with healthy limbs and no serious diseases will be recruited. A family is the most suitable."

The refugees were talking about it, their voices were a little weak, and what others heard was not true. Xu He turned his head and glanced at Zhang Fangyuan beside him, wondering if the refugees would come to work as farm laborers.

Zhang Fangyuan is very confident. The refugees are all begging for a living. There is no next stop. Now that they have the opportunity to settle down, how can they let it go easily.

More and more refugees came to watch, and the first group seemed to have sent a representative to negotiate with Zhang Fangyuan: "May I ask where the old man's husband Lang's land is in Siyang, do you have proof? Where will I resettle after I go there?"

But it's not that the refugees are elevating themselves, it's because they have encountered too many things along the way begging, and when they were in other counties, some people circled people in the name of recruiting farmers Go, it turned out that it was Ya Xing who disguised himself to cheat people into selling their lives, as long as you go with these people, you won't be afraid if you don't want to sell yourself, and you will be beaten until you accept your fate.

There are also black-hearted private corvettes who recruit people to work for their lives, and they will be imprisoned in that private corvette for the rest of their lives. Unless they work until they die, they will never be able to get out.

Refugees are also afraid of being deceived. Although they are displaced, finding a place to resettle themselves is the best destination, but private bondage and becoming a slave are the worst results. Who wants to live like an animal? Even though he was starving and starving, he also had the illusion that the imperial court could help the victims and give them a way to survive.

Being a farm laborer is actually the best of many unfortunate ways of living, but because it is good, it makes people even more worried.

Zhang Fangyuan was not angry when he heard the words. He prepared the approval procedures at the county government when he opened up wasteland early in the morning. He took out the things and unfolded them for the refugees to take a look: "Maybe many people are illiterate, but the appearance of the land deed documents You should be able to recognize the seal of Siyang County Government."

"The land at hand is the wasteland opened last year, and the first batch of crops will be planted this year. The land is limited, first come, first served." After speaking,

Zhang Fangyuan accepted the documents : "But what's the problem?"

It is expected that such an open and aboveboard announcement on Siyang Street does not seem to be deceiving the refugees. At this time, the refugees began to make a noise. A swarm of bees tried to rush over to sign up. The detailed rules gathered together in a hurry, and immediately organized the team to line up neatly. The scattered refugees crowded to Zhang Fangyuan's table, and were all driven down to line up by the people in the martial arts hall.

Xu He couldn't help but glance at the old man in the lead, and asked, "You guys know each other?" After making

sure that he was recruiting farm laborers, the old man was very polite and bowed his back to Xu He, showing respect: "Exactly, We fled from a village in Wojiang County, Ningjiang Prefecture. We had half the number of people we have now, and many of us died of starvation and disease along the way. Now we have only 20 people left in Siyang. "

Xu He raised his neck and glanced at the team, and the last of this group of refugees raised his hand as a signal.

He silently counted the time spent watching people, women, children, children and men add up to more than 20 people, all of them are acquaintances and have leaders, it will be easier to arrange for them if they convey the news in the future, and they can also help each other Overcoming the difficulties at the beginning, it's just...he glanced at Zhang Fangyuan again.

The couple had a tacit understanding, and Zhang Fangyuan understood Xu He's meaning. If they were recruited together, the disadvantage would be that if the refugees united to rebel against the boss, it would be difficult to manage.

This kind of opportunity to recruit farm laborers is rare, and the old man can read and write. Seeing that there is only one hundred acres of wasteland on the document, they are just enough people. If they are kicked out, they can help them when they settle down. , but I am a farm laborer myself, how can I help others so easily, the best thing is that everyone can get the land.

The old man knew the concerns of these masters, so he dragged a ten-year-old boy from the line behind him to come forward: "Look, master, they are all village children with sound hands and feet. Some, if they are lucky enough to open up wasteland for the master's family, these children will be sent to the master's house to do some chores, such as lighting a fire, washing clothes, and carrying dung." "Everyone will definitely do their best." Zhang Fangyuan was silent, and exchanged with


He a look.

These people are very sensible, since they are willing to send the children to the master's house by themselves, so that the master's house can have the strongest restraint, but they are not afraid of refugees gathering together to act indiscriminately, after all, the child is still in the master's hands.

"It couldn't be better if this is the case. One by one came to report their names and hometowns. After the procedures at both ends, the land can be allocated earlier." The

refugees cheered, their ashen faces turned red with excitement, but they felt sorry for the ones who came later. law subdivided into land.

Zhang Fangyuan wanted to win over all the refugees to work under him, but unfortunately his ability was limited. There is only so much land. At that time, everyone will be allocated too little, and everyone will not be able to eat enough. On the contrary, it will delay others. Moreover, if so many refugees are recruited, it may cause dissatisfaction from the government and will It is believed that it is selfishness and malicious intentions.

"Don't worry, come one by one, think about your own information, if you find out that you have made a false report, you will never be hired!" Everyone waited patiently for the record

. There are many procedures for registration, and some are busy.

"Why is there so much noise at the other end?"

"A lot of refugees have come to the city, and the order in the city is a bit chaotic. A landlord at the other end is recruiting refugees as farm laborers." The child

sitting in the carriage heard his adults and the people following outside the carriage. The servant was talking, and turned his head to look at the lively place. The child's eyes flickered: "It's that Uncle Gao!"

Luo Yan took a closer look at the sound, saw the tall and fierce figure in the crowd, and smiled slightly , turned around and patted the little brother's head: "Brother Xing's eyes are very good, but his expression is much clearer than that of grandfather."

The little brother hugged Luo Yan with a smile and rubbed against his arm.

"Where do these refugees come from?"

Although he already had some answers in his heart, Luo Yan still opened his mouth to ask. The old servant obviously hesitated for a moment, then his voice became softer: "It's from Ningjiang Mansion."

Luo Yan's eyes darkened, looking at the child beside him A pair of eyes seemed to be full of hardships and pity. Even though they were full of thoughts, after a long while, they could only utter one sentence: "The epidemic is stopped." "Let's go, go back." Zhang Fangyuan and


He After two days of busy work, the farm laborers who recorded the roster completed their household registration in the county office one by one. The county magistrate thought that this matter was handled well, and he solved more than 20 refugees in a row, and asked Zhang Fangyuan to return to the county office. After rewarding them, they encouraged merchants in the city to accept refugees.

Successively, some wealthy families recruited long-term laundry women from among the refugees.

The refugees were led to the village, but there was nothing at present. Zhang Fangyuan first placed them at the other side of the tea shed. There were no residents in the inn recently. There are two rooms to be used as a Datong shop, but there is also a place to shelter from the wind and rain. place.

But after all, it is not a place where he can live for a long time. For this reason, Zhang Fangyuan plans to lend money to these refugees to build houses and settle in Jijiu Village.

Naturally, the land occupied by the houses was approved by the county government, and the imperial court issued an order requiring the state governments to accept the victims of the disaster and not to expel them. There are ways for refugees to be resettled, and the county government will also strongly support them.

With a larger population, tax payments will be more plentiful. The county magistrate hopes that the population of this county will prosper, but he is still very cautious about refugees from other counties, and will not easily recruit them, like the group Zhang Fangyuan has on hand. That's all, many of those who are not resettled will wander around the city, which is difficult to deal with.

In fact, the county government can also lend money to refugees to settle down, but there are still very few people in the county government who are willing to use the money for political achievements.

After all, the county magistrate either works in one county or lives for the rest of his life. It is very likely that he will have to move the place. The water is empty, and it is another bad debt.

Zhang Fangyuan dared to borrow money to go out in this way. If he did not recruit refugees as farm laborers, he could only recruit poor people in the county as farm laborers. He suffered a famine a few years ago, and it was easier to find farm laborers than in a year of good weather. However, he is a new landlord, and his prestige is far inferior to that of other landlords in the county, and even fewer people are willing to join his family.

If you can't find a hired farmer, the family can only hire someone to help with the farming. In this season, it will cost a lot of money to hire someone. The sum of both sides will cost money, so why not spend the money spent on hiring someone to do the work? Lend it to farm laborers.

One is borrowed, and you have to repay it later, even if you are not sure when you can repay it, it is still different from spending it directly without returning it; the second is that the refugees have already been tied to their land, and it is impossible They ran away after only one year of farming, and even households that were able to save money had to work for four or five years in a good year before they could buy another land and get rid of their status as farm laborers.

And if you hire people to farm, you have to spend money every year to hire people. Xu He will settle the score. In the long run, it's better to pay more and more stable returns after a little blood now.

"My master and I are not mean people. As long as you do things honestly, you will never be harsh in the future. For now, we will stay in the guest house for the time being, and we will move there when the house is built in the village."

Xu Wo arranges the people: "Each adult man and woman can borrow up to five hundred cash here for building houses and eating. The grain seeds for this year's spring plowing are also borrowed according to the amount of land they have applied for. The grain seeds for autumn harvest The repayment will be for three years, and the interest will be calculated at half of the bank in the city, and if it has not been repaid at the end of three years, then it will be calculated at the interest of the bank in the city."

The group of refugees who were taken to the countryside saw that the owner had arranged all their worries, and was willing to borrow money to repair the house, and the interest was lower than any other bank in the city. Finally, I feel that my wandering has come to an end, and I can finally settle down.

"Thank you for the kindness of the master. We will do our best to manage the land of the master, so as to repay the kindness of the master."

All of them knelt down in front of Zhang Fangyuan and Xu Hechang in the guest house.

The weather hadn't completely warmed up yet, taking advantage of this time, Zhang Fangyuan urged the farmer to build the house quickly, so that the time for planting crops could not be delayed.

It's not just him who is anxious, the farm laborer is even more anxious than him, he wakes up earlier than chickens and sleeps later than dogs, just trying to catch up with the progress of spring plowing.

The refugees came from the same village, and everyone helped each other, but the foundation was quickly built.

With so many people rushing into the village suddenly, seven or eight families stood up all of a sudden. The small villages were closed and conservative, and they always felt a little xenophobic.

Today I saw the farmer go to Gongshan to cut wood and repair the house, and tomorrow I saw him picking wild vegetables on the edge of the field to eat. I felt very uncomfortable, and I didn't dare to say that I went to Zhang's house, so I ran to the village head. Mutter.

The village chief was very happy. The refugees were not only recruited by the Zhang family, but also requested by the county government. The previous county magistrate even called him in and carefully ordered the refugees to be resettled. Now he is following the government's decree. Son, there is no need to say something good.

But if he told the villagers that they would be scolded for having no conscience, he sang a bitter drama: "These refugees are poor people, and they have nowhere to go after several disasters. Think about it, everyone, if Zhang Fangyuan hadn't been in our village The charcoal fire made everyone earn money and have a lot of money, isn't it still suffering?"

"Looking at the other villages, which village didn't suffer? Let's compare our hearts. It's a good thing that our village has more people. In the future, there will be more choices for river irrigation and division of public land, right?" "Look at that

refugee Those children in the pile, the thin ones have only bones and sticks, and the adults are fine. If any of you have no children, see if you can bear it? Leave a way for the children, why bother when they come This is what it looks like."

After being scolded by the villagers, they really liked it the most, and immediately softened their hearts: "We are not mean, but we are afraid of encountering thieves like Xianshi Guang's family, then we will treat them as well The family is not thin, and they steal people's things."

"It's all in the past, didn't you turn around and ask the Zhang family to send the county government."

The villagers didn't have anything to say, they chatted at the village chief's house for a while and then returned .

After this experience, the aborigines in the village did not crowd out these refugees as much. On the one hand, the village chief helped to speak, and on the other hand, they were farm laborers from the Zhang family.

Some kind-hearted villagers saw the farm laborers dig wild vegetables to eat, and even sent the radishes and cabbages in their own fields.

Although it is said that there are many wild vegetables in the wilderness in spring, such as bamboo shoots and bracken, but after all, they are wild things. It is good for people in the city to eat them fresh, but it is panic for farmers to eat them all.

But no matter how you say it, it is better than the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, and the spring will not make people starve to death.

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