🖤💚Cuddles with Pip!💚🖤

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Mike's age:2
Pip's age:4

It was a Thursday night,Mike was taking a nap on Pips bed.Pete had plans to go set shit on fire in the woods with his friends but was planning to cancel since Mike was regressed,so Damien offered to babysit so Pete could have friend time,and Mike was an absolute sweetheart😚.

After about an hour of napping,Mike woke up and rubbed his eyes,yawning as he pulled at his clothes.Mike was dressed in his big space pjs(sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt)Sure he wasn't wearing day clothes,but he felt uncomfortable nonetheless,so he got up and looked in his little space bag that was on the floor(Mike's headspace never matters when identifying his little space bag lol) Mike rummaged through the bag looking for something more comfortable,He found a soft silk black legless onesie and some black knee high socks with a blood drop🩸pattern all over.

He pulled at his clothes trying to get them off,but since he was in a young headspace he struggled a lot.Luckily,Damien walked into to check on the little boy to see if he was still sleeping,and found him stuck in his shirt struggling to breath.Damien laughed slightly and helped Mike out of the shirt "If you needed help you could of called me"He said grabbing the onesie and laying it on the floor "Ion have a phone,ion know whewe it is"Mike said as Damien rolled his eyes laughingly,while laying Mike over the open onesie.

Damien took a diaper out of the bag before he changed Mike into the onesie,making Mike cover his face in embarrassment since he was always very shy. "It's okay man,no one's judging you"He said as he got Mike all changed into his diaper,onesie,and fuzzy long socks.Damien tickled the mentally younger boy and laid him back into bed since he could tell he was still super tired "whewe is pippy?"Mike asked yawning and rubbing his eyes. "He's in the nursery I was about to set him down for bed,you wanna sleep with him?"He asked making Mike nod happily,Damien nodded and left the room to collect Pip.

"Mikey!"Pip said running towards the bed and getting under the covers with Mike,who hugged him tightly in response. "Pip I'm gonna go get you're nighttime sippy,Mike do you want some nice warm blood before you go back to sleep?"Damien asked which Mike nodded snuggling into his best friend "Okay bet"Damien said as grabbed Mike's baby bottle out of his bag and he went downstairs.

He took the pitcher of horchata(horchata is fucking goated)out of the fridge and poured it into both of the bottles and then put them in the microwave for 45 seconds.When the timer went off Damien took the bottles out and set them on the counter,put red food dye in one and screwed the lids back on,then walked back upstairs.

Damien handed Pip his sippy cup and Mike his bottle,who whimpered as he was too young to do it on his own or he would spill.Damien yawned and got into bed with the two boys and started bottle feeding Mike,after about five minutes of feeding and burping the boy,he was finished.Damien put the bottle on the nightstand and laid Mike down as Pip finished his bottle,Damien put Pips sippy on the nightstand as well and then scooted over to Pips side so he could also receive some cuddles,and with that the three all drifted off to sleep in each other's warmth.
The end!

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