❤️🍨Ice cream🍨❤️

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I found out that we had heart shaped red velvet ice cream sandwiches in the fridge,that's literally the whole inspiration for this chapter
Little age:3

"Daddy"Mike said as he shook his sleeping boyfriend,Pete lazily lifted his head from the pillow while yawning "Hey Mikey.."His morning voice was raspy from smoking before bed "I hungwyyy"Mike whined baking biscuits on the bed like a cat(I thought that would be funny to imagine🧍‍♂️) "Alright go downstairs,I'll be right down"Pete sat up and rubbed his eyes as Mike happily walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Pete got up and put his t shirt on,put on his slippers and walked downstairs to where Mike was. "Alright pup,what's there to eat?"Pete asked as he opened the cabinet "Nofing,my othew dad hasn had time to go gwocewy shopping"Mike replied attempting to pour some blood(chocolate milk)into his sippy cup,and failing miserably.

Pete laughed softly and grabbed both the sippy and blood from him "Grab some paper towels and clean up the spill while daddy pours you you're blood"Mike nodded and walked to the other side of the kitchen and grabbed the towels.

After everything was cleaned up,the boys continued to look through the fridge and cabinet,after a few minutes of searching they found nothing that the little would actually enjoy eating "Fuck..maybe we can go to-"Pete was cut off by Mike suddenly ripping the freezer door open "What the fuck Mike-" "I jus remember we have these!"Mike pulled out a box of heart shaped,red velvet,ice cream sandwiches. Pete didn't know what to say,Ice cream sandwiches are always goated but it was early in the morning,he thought about and then decided fuck it.

"You're lucky I'm a shitty dad,you can eat this for breakfast but just this once"Pete told Mike as he grabbed himself a sandwich "Oki!"Mike didn't really pay attention to what Pete told him,he was just happy to eat some ice cream "Cmon let's go watch a movie,we can watch twilight"Pete suggested making Mike squeal with excitement "YESH LETS DO IT!"
The end!

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