🖤💙Daddy's here for you💙🖤

369 5 17

Little age:0-1
I'm three months self harm free you guys :)

Mike was usually a very happy little,he was energetic,he was playful,and always in a good mood!but of course impure regressions come to bite every now and then.

Mike had just gotten home after a very stressful day at school,He walked into his room throwing his bag on the floor,and flopped onto his bed and started to cry softly(lol mood)He wanted to call Pete and be comforted and held,but he got self conscious and was scared he would bother Pete.Mike cried and cried for about half an hour before drifting off to sleep out of exhaustion,and a few hours later he woke up to his phone ringing and saw he was getting a FaceTime call from Pete.Mike got shy but answered it anyway as he hated ignoring his daddy,so he pushed back his regression and forced himself into his older headspace.

"Hey babe,I just bought some new clothes so I'm gonna come over to do a fashion show,is that cool with you cause I haven't left the mall yet?"Pete said,his phone facing the ceiling but you could still his face a bit "Yea it's okay.."Mike said getting up and turning his camera off so he could get changed. "Is he good?he sounds like he just swallowed a bag of nails"Mike heard firkle ask Pete,who shushed him but agreed "Sorry about him Mikey,but is everything okay?" "Yea everything is good I'm just low on blood you know"Mike said laughing,while contemplating death.

"Okay I'll be there soon,love you vampqueer" "love you too Petey"Mike hung up the phone and got back to changing,He put on a black tank top and black and dark red striped pajama bottoms,and left his room to go downstairs.Mike walked into the kitchen and started pouring himself his blood/juice to drink,he sighed shakily as he was still under a lot of pressure,he walked out into the living room and threw himself on the couch clutching a blanket that laid there.

After a bit the doorbell rang,Mike got up and answered it revealing his boyfriend Pete standing there with about 2 bags of clothes "Hey vampy"Pete said as he leaned up and kissed Mike,who happily kissed back "Hello my darkness"Mike stepped away to let Pete inside.The two walked upstairs into Mike's room,Pete set his bags on the floor and started taking out the clothes while Mike laid down on the bed.

"This one is my favorite,I really like the spider web lace at the end it makes me feel like I'm a goth prince"Pete said flipping his hair as he showed off his new sparkly black button up with sparkly white lace at the end "You look elegant as always love.."Mike was trying so hard to stay in his old headspace but he was slipping,that scared him so much since he didn't want to annoy Pete by being little. "I also got some more hair dye since my red had been fading, hopefully it's decent quality"Pete started to notice Mike's discomfort.

"Babe what's going on?"Mike whined at the question,shoving his face into a pillow "Are you regressed?"Pete asked Mike while rubbing his back gently. "No I'm not,I'm just..tired I guess"Mike turned onto his back and rubbed his eyes "Pup I can tell you're slipping,it's okay-" "Shut up I'm not slipping!"Mike grabbed his pillow and threw it across the room in frustration,Pete quickly crawled over and tried to hug Mike,who squirmed at Pete's grasp. "Let go of me!I'll bite you!"Mike threatened,he obviously wasn't going to bite Pete,he was simply under so much pressure to get out of Pete's arms.

"Pup you can't bite daddy,that's never a good thing to do.."Pete said softly,sure guilt tripping wasn't the best thing to do with you're little,but sometimes you need to do it when they threaten physical violence.Mike finally broke and began to cry "I sowwy.."He sobbed into Pete's chest,who held him tightly "It's okay baby I'm not mad"He whispered into Mike's ear as he rubbed his head softly and lovingly.

After a while Mike calmed down,so Pete decided to ask the important questions "Pup why didn't you wanna tell me that you were regressed?"Mike whimpered softly at the question but answered anyway "I didn wan to be a bowther"Pete sighed and laid Mike down,then laid next to him and cuddled him. "Pup you are never a bother to me,I love you so much okay?"Mike nodded and cuddled into Pete.

They laid there cuddling until Pete checked the time and saw it was late.Pete got up and started walking out the door making Mike whine "Don go pwease"He said sadly making Pete laugh a bit "I'm just getting you so warm blood before you go to sleep,I'll be right back"He said making Mike sigh In relief "Oki doki!"he said before going back to being comfortable again.Pete walked downstairs and into the kitchen and looked in the fridge for the jug of chocolate blood milk,he poured it into Mike's baby bottle and put it in the microwave for about 45 seconds.

The microwave went off so Pete took it out and screwed on the lid tightly,then walked back upstairs.When Pete walked into Mike's bedroom he was confused when he didn't see Mike in bed,suddenly Pete was lifted off of the ground swiftly,he looked behind him and saw mike who was giggling his little head off. "I stwong daddy!weally weally stwong!"Mike squealed as he hugged Pete,setting him back down "You're the strongest little vampire I've ever seen,I sure am a lucky to be you're daddy"Pete said kissing Mike's head,He walked over to Mikes closet and quickly changed into some pajamas.Pete changed into a oversized black hoodie and some of Mikes boxers,He got into bed and grabbed the baby bottle off of the nightstand "Now cmon it's time for bed."

Mike whined but got into bed anyways,He got under the covers and tried to take his shirt off,but failed miserably.Pete chuckled and helped Mike out and tossed his shirt to the side,cradling him after. After they got comfortable Pete bottle fed Mike his nice warm blood until he drifted off to sleep,Pete threw the empty bottle on the floor and kissed Mike's cheek and scrolled through his phone until he fell asleep as well.
The end!
I'm sorry these are taking so long now

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