CHAPTER 11 (long awaited!!)

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He grinned, holding a cup of tea between his hands. From what you could tell with your blurry vision, his hands were soft but scattered with calluses. He cocked his head like a confused animal and smiled, taking a couple steps closer to the cushion you were tied down to.

"You know," He shifted his weight, taking a sip of tea. A drop slipped off the edge as his lips parted with the porcelain. "I would've gotten you a nicer room if you hadn't struggled so much! Haha." The dark oil stains running down the walls made the room even more gruesome. The words slipped off his tongue lightheartedly, but his gaze was hurt, manipulative.

"..." You remained silent. Your body was cold, gray, beaten up.

"Hm? Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?" You were taken aback by the sudden pet name, but all you could manage as a reaction was widening your eyes slightly, allowing the smallest bit more of light to pour into your eyes, making the room all the more clear.

He kneeled in front of the cushion and held up the teacup.

"I know how to help!" He spoke calmly and low, yet enthusiastically. You felt something smoothe held up to your lips, the teacup. You didn't want to drink it. You didn't want any more from this crazy man. You didn't want his saliva in your mouth from the teacup. The thought made you gag, but here you are being forced to. You wanted to scream and cry. You wanted to tackle him down and punch his face until it's nothing but a blood and brains pie. You wanted to see regret in his eyes, remorse, even a glint of guilt. You wanted to make him miserable the way he made you. You wanted to suck all the energy out of him. But you yourself had no energy to do any of that.

The hot liquid intruded your mouth. It felt good, your body liked it. The warmth traveled down your esophagus, warming your entire body. It felt like years of cold and rust was being washed off, but you wanted to throw up. The tea tasted sweet, but you wouldn't be surprised if it was poisoned.

All your thoughts swirled in the inside of your exhausted brain, but on the outside was a different story. Your muscles relaxed and your eyebrows drifted apart. In that release, you felt pain from your sore muscles flood out as your arms dropped to rest at your sides. Heizou chuckled, and removed the teacup from your lips, admiring it for at least a few seconds.

Oh god. He was drinking from the same spot you had. Not just gently pressing his lips to the porcelain glass, but full on putting part of it in his mouth.



God, you wanted to barf your guts out.

You felt rejuvenated, enough to speak, though.

"Heizou.." You spoke weakly. He perked up, laying a piercing gaze on your entire being.

"Say that again, please." He requested, politely. His smirk dropped, revealing a more sincere, primal expression. Weird. This isn't the first time he had done something like that in your time together. However, you refused to give him the satisfaction of submission.

"Where a-"

"Say that again." This time the words he uttered were more than just a request. They were orders. His gaze darkened, as if looking down upon you. You felt dread wash over you.

"H-Heizou... Where am I?" His smirk returned. You honestly did not have the energy or will to be firm or express any anger or fear.

"That's better," He took another sip of that tea. That dreaded cardamom tea that you would never forget the taste and scent of after that day. "You're at our base." He whispered in your ear, nonchalantly. His hot breath stung on the tip of your ice cold ear cartilage.

𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓼  ♡ || Yandere Heizou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now