chapter 13 :)

274 11 24

TW: blood and ummm,,... sad things i think


Your legs weakened once again as tears rushed down your cheeks, and you fell to your knees, Kazuha and Heizou towering over you, gazing down with shocked and concerned expressions.

Heizou was the first to drop to his knees as well, putting his hand on your shoulder and rubbing your back comfortingly, as you instinctively shriveled your body away from his touch. To your surprise, he actually didn't pursue touching you. He only stared at you with concern in his eyes.

You felt a warm, gentle hand touch the back of your head, almost softly patting it as Kazuha knelt down on your other side, looking at you with loving eyes. But really, under that facade, all he saw was an opportunity to comfort you and gain your trust and love. Your body moved itself away from him as well, but he almost forcefully pulled you into a hug, holding your shoulders tight as you sobbed into his chest.
"Kazuha... let them go." Heizou snarled, glaring at him with a death stare. Kazuha only gripped you tighter, his nails digging into your shoulder.

"What? So you can have them?" Kazuha retorted. You can practically feel Heizou's unbridled rage radiating behind you.

You were confused. It seemed as if Heizou was genuinely defending you. Not for personal gain. Not for himself. For you. To make sure you were comfortable. It was a great contrast to his usual behavior. He's been slowly becoming more and more genuine and caring. But why?

Heizou leaned forward and grabbed your waist with one hand, pulling you back into his chest. You can't even fight anymore. You don't have the will. You don't have the energy. You just kept crying, more, and more. Your bruised wrist wiped the tears off your face as they fell like a running tap, Heizou's grip on you softened as he went back to focusing on your wellbeing. He let you go for the most part, but still held his hand around your shoulder protectively, rubbing back and forth with his thumb, as he gazed up at Kazuha with slim pupils.

You watched as Kazuha stood up, looking down at the two of you with a deadly glare, casting a shadow. He placed his hand behind your head again, a bit rougher, as he stared into your glassy eyes.

"Y/n... you want to be with me, not him, right?" He spoke quietly, softly, almost too small to hear. You just kept sobbing, not answering him. His expression was already unsettling enough, all the signs of usual gentleness gone. But it got worse after a few seconds of him receiving no response. His gentle graze on your hair roughened as he grabbed you, pulling on your hair (or back of your shirt if you're bald), sneering aggressively as you yelped out in pain, your eyes widening.

Heizou pulled you away from Kazuha, pushing you off to the side. He stood up, marching closer and closer to the white-haired weirdo, his eyes piercing into him like knives. You gazed at them through your tears. You wanted to stand up and kick them both in the balls, to show them how much anger had been bubbling in you the entire time, to teach them a lesson for being such idiots, but you just couldn't. It felt so awkward, like if you stepped in you'd be interrupting instead of making a difference. And everyone would be mad at you. Again.

In the blink of an eye, they were battling again. Heizou pulled a dagger out of nowhere and began swinging at Kazuha, as he dodged with a snarky smirk each time. Kazuha unsheathed his sword and began to use his elemental skill.

"Ugh... you never did play fair." Scoffed Heizou. He dropped his dagger and punched Kazuha with his elemental skill, sending him flying into the wall.

"Agh!!" He groaned, sliding down the wall and hitting the floor with a thud. Heizou slowly walked towards him, cornering him as he loaded up his ultimate attack, baring his teeth with a snarl.

𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓼  ♡ || Yandere Heizou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now