≛Chapter 19≛

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CW: some spice, graphic violent descriptions (only one small part, I will put a warning before that paragraph so you can skip over it if you'd like. as well as a tl;dr so you don't miss the story)

"A-ah... Y/n... Y-Y/n... I love you..." Heizou mumbles as if he's in a daze, dragging his hands all over my body. His gaze is looking everywhere but my face, because he knows that he won't be able to hold back when he sets eyes on my lips.

"...." I'm silent. Heizou slouches slightly.

"Ah, Y/n, your skin is so soft. So pretty. You're so gorgeous. I want to touch it all."


"I want... to feel you inside and out..."

"Oh..." I mutter, to shut him up so he doesn't talk about mutilating me any more.

"We'll be happy someday," Green eyes look into mine. Softer... much softer... he doesn't seem as threatening anymore. "I always wanted you to be happy, Y/n." And yet, after that gentleness, his sick grin is stitched onto his delicate face once more. Something else clicks.

"Where is Kazuha?" The clearest sentence I've said since waking up.

"Shhhh...." His rough hands grip onto my hips to support himself as he leans forward to peck my lips again. And again, getting messier and deeper until we're making out. Our lips and tongues and teeth become one hot, squelching, licking mess of kisses and bites. Hands slide down my hips and thighs and squeeze and pinch and pull, one dancing up to the collar of my shirt and tugging it down. Just as his hot breath reaches my collarbone, he stops, looking up into my eyes.

"Actually," Smiling. "I'm glad you asked." And with that he stands up and begins to unshackle me, pulling a key from his pocket and unlocking the binds on my body chaining me to the wall. I sigh in relief, looking down at my bruised wrists, but confusion quickly takes over my brain.

"Wh...why am... I... free?" And then it's fear. What is he planning? A hand is shoved in front of my face. Is he trying to help me up? Reluctantly, I grab onto it, standing up. Heizou seems amused.

"Aww... you're just so precious. Now, hurry up, come on, follow me." He chimes, walking like he's about to start skipping as if he were a little girl. We take a few steps along the heart of the house and then he knocks on Kazuha's room door. "Knock knock? Hello?" Putting on a curious mask. What the hell is he thinking? We both know Kazuha is... he's... he's gone. Heizou knows it. Despite what Kazuha put me through, I feel the need to defend his grave.

"Heizou... quit it.. J-just.. Q..quit...quit it... this is sick... you're sick..." I growl, everything from before I was knocked out rushing back to me. Heizou freezes, simply staring at the door for a couple seconds before his gaze shifts to me from the side, his head staying in place with a blank expression. He turns his whole body around to face me.

"Oh... is that so..? What do you suppose you should do about that? Your sweet Heizou is sick... are you gonna take care of him?" His eyes widen and he grins with a disgusting smirk.

"Gh.." I scoff, snarling at him. But then he pulls me against him, wrapping himself around me in a cave of warmth. And I can't help but hug him back. My fingers wander to the ends of his loose hair and twirl the locks around themselves. I can't see his expression, but I can feel the pleasure radiating from every shaky breath he takes. He turns us around and presses me against the door as we hug. I can't deny this feels nice. The fact that he's begun to hum that same song from my childhood is only a little bit unsettling.

It really brings me back. The summers spent dipping my toes in the water of Cider Lake, humming that tune as I sat on the shore in my shorts and flip-flops. The sweltering heat of summer certainly wasn't as bothersome and dry as in Liyue, but to the young child that I was, it seemed like the biggest issue in the world. Sand and dirt stuck to my skin as I sweat, the noise of birds chirping in the leafy greens above. The sun shone through the leaves of every tree. Cool, green shade cast upon the ground below in the spots where the sun wasn't shining. Rocks between my toes, gaps in my teeth, splinters in my palms. But it was all okay. Everything was okay. All I could do was smile and laugh and play and discover, my activities were restricted, but even so, I'd give up what little freedom I have to go back to that moment.

𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓼  ♡ || Yandere Heizou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now