Turquoise Hair

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"Just make she takes her medicines regularly she is going to be just fine says the doctor as Maddie leads him out of the room

Thank you doc I appreciate you coming over

"Not a problem Maddie smiles At the doctor

He takes one last look at my direction before leaving
Maddie shuts the door behind him

You do know I could I have died

Well thank God you didn't says Maddie so casually as she sits opposite me watching me with keen interest

Wait what even made you start to believe me

Maddie brings out the note I had left for her and throws it at me

"The handwriting, that handwriting isn't Alexa

She takes out what seems like a book from a drawer and gives it to me

"I compared the two writings yours isn't the same with her's

Opening the journal I nearly gasp different lyrics of different songs

She wrote this?

Maddie sniffs a bit

"Yeah she did she was always so obsessed with music she always wanted to be famous like the likes of Alessia Eden

Maddie chuckles

"Guess fate had other plans huh

Maddie i know this must be a lot to take in am so sorry

"What are you sorry for ? This whole thing it ain't your fault. It's crAzy I know but blaming you would be stupid cause I know it ain't easy too for the rest of your life your gonna be leaving someone else life. I won't lie it hurts my friend is gone my best friend. She was always there even though she was dealing with a lot depression,anxiety,bipolar personality disorder. She always struggled and now am gonna believe that she is in a better place far from the pain this world caused her

Tears roll freely from Maddie eyes

I feel her pain

Getting up from the bed I walk over to her and engulf her in a tight hug

She hugs me back tears flowing freely

Maddie was grieving for her friend the friend she lost.

She disentangles herself from me wiping her eyes as she moves to sit down

So what's the plan?

What plan?

Your plan what do you plan to do?

I don't know, my life as Alessia is over I need to face reality and live life as Alexa

Maddie smiles at me as she takes my hand

"Look just because your life as Alesia eden Is over that doesn't mean you have to give up on what you always loved. Your music that doesn't have to die it didn't die with Alesia cause your music is in you it's an extension of you

I ponder over Maddie's words

"Look just think about it am gonna leave you to think about all this okay

I nod as Maddie smiles giving me one last hug before she leaves me

The next day

The streets are empty except for a few people it's a bright Thursday morning and the weather is already looking pretty good. I found a legging s and crop top and decided to go on a run paired with a black canvas I take deep breathes as I listen to Drake new music.
Taking a sharp turn I keep running yearning to clear my head
I have always loved making music and even though am not Alessia I don't want to stop making music
But it won't be easy being who i once was it's like restarting afresh the whole journey and all
It's took Alessia a really long time to get where she was Grammy and all endorsements fame

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