Chance at a Happy Ending

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Author's Note

I just finished the show, and I gotta admit, it's one of those shows that makes you wish you could just erase your memory of it to rewatch it again. An amazing show. I love how the producers wrapped up the ending with Season 6, and the this is just an alternate ending I came up for the series.

Hope you like it!

Lucifer rushed to get Azrael's blade as Chloe goes on to distract Michael. Everything was going swimmingly according to plan and Lucifer smirked as he held the blade in his hands. Just then, he heard wings flap behind him. He turned around to see Azrael and smiled in delight at his sister's appearance. "With the Angel of Death at our side, I can't lose."

"I'm sorry, Lu." She sighed as she turned to look away from her brother.

"No..." Lucifer looked back in horror as he realised what was happening. One moment Chloe was happily running towards him with the last piece of the Flaming Sword and the next, screams could be heard as Michael impaled her with the staff. "CHLOE!" Lucifer shouted, but it was too late. He rushed to her, carrying her in his arms.


Angels or Demons, everyone was utterly shocked at the sudden turn of events. Mazikeen looked at her body, gritting her teeth as she gets ready for battle. Amenadiel looked at her, holding his arm out to stop her. "Maze, hold. Hold, the plan."

"The plan has gone to sh!t." Maze stated, and Amenadiel couldn't say that it wasn't true.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no..." Lucifer sobbed, shaking his head in denial. "This is all my fault. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." Chloe's voice was almost softer than a whisper.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"No, stop, Lucifer... We make our own choices. And Dan..." She said. "What happened to Dan is not my fault." A tear couldn't help but slip down her cheek. "And this... is not your fault... I love you."


"I love you..."

"No, no, no, no, no!" He muttered as Chloe closed her eyelids.

She was in a better place now.

"I told you she should leave. And good news is sounds like she made peace with her guilt. I bet she made it to Heaven." Michael said, trying to sound confident even though he was a little bit terrified himself on what Lucifer would do next. "I guess that means you'll never see her again... I mean, you really should have taken my offer."

[a/n Michael really should've turned around and RUN when he still could.]

Lucifer slid Chloe away from his arms, slowly standing up from the ground. He clenched his fists, feeling the rage and fury pumping through his veins. How DARE he!? How DARE he take away the love of my life? Lucifer thought to himself along with a million other ways that he could torture Michael till his death.

His eyes flashed between the colour of dark orange and red as his heart started racing uncontrollably, trying to suppress the urge of killing his twin brother. Amenadiel recognised the look on Luci's face. The look he wears before he tortures lost and guilty souls back when he ruled Hell. The look he makes before making a murderous strike and condescending into war.

Mazikeen couldn't believe her eyes either. She looked at Chloe's soulless body and she couldn't help but feel like punching Michael in his idiotic face. Chloe Decker was one of the good friends she made with her time on Earth. She never knew that Michael would go to such an extreme as to kill her for his own selfish reasons.

Eve was just as shocked as her. She held Maze's hand tightly, comforting her as well as herself. Her eyes were glued onto all the blood flowing out Chloe's dead body, horrified.

Lucifer looked down at his finger and frowned slightly. He was checking the pockets of his coat and fidgeting with his fingers. Where is it? The Devil thought to himself, frantically searching for it. Just then, Lucifer glanced up at Michael, who was grinning and shrugging at the scene.

"Looking for this?" Michael held Lilith's ring at the end of its tip. It shined even more brightly under the glowing sunlight, almost blinding any mortal who saw it. Lucifer's eyes widen as Michael let go of the ring from his hands and smiled evilly as he watched it dropped to the ground and shatter into a million pieces.

Lucifer looked hopeless now. That was his last hope. He has nothing. He lost everything. Lucifer chuckled silently to himself as he tried to absorb everything that had just happened. He refused to accept it. Chloe...

His heart broke as he thought about it.

"You BASTARD!" Lucifer's eyes went bloodshot red as the terror in his eyes vanished in all of a sudden. He felt the anger and rage slowly consuming him, controlling him as he grabbed Michael by the throat and charged him into the brick wall. But he didn't care anymore. He didn't have to care because the detective wasn't there anymore. He tried to be a better Angel... She made him a better Angel... But without her, what was the point in all of that?

Lucifer's breathing increased as he held Michael into mid-air. Michael tried to pull away from his brother's grip but it was unsuccessful... he was too powerful. Michael flung his legs and tried to use the force of his wings to push him towards the ground but it only made Lucifer's grip on his throat tighten.

"O-Okay... Samael... you win." Michael muttered and patted Lucifer's shoulder in defeat. He couldn't breathe anymore and his voice was sore. But Lucifer didn't let go.

"Luci... Luci, you heard him, put him down." Amenadiel called in his usual deep and stern brotherly voice. But it sounded so far away and distant for Lucifer, all that he could hear was the unsteady breathing sounds and increasing heartbeat of his chocking brother... and he loved it. It was the only thing he could do that would distract him from thinking about the scene of Chloe's bloodied body.

"Was... Was this all part of your 'master plan'?" There was a tint of sadness in his words. For the first time in an eon, Michael was terrified. He gulped as Lucifer awaits for an answer. "ANSWER ME!" Lucifer boomed. Suddenly, the sky turned dark, grey clouds surrounding the building. If God were there Lucifer surely would've assumed it was all His doing because of the oddly accurate timing.

"Maze, hold." Amenadiel repeated.

Mazikeen couldn't take it anymore. She shouted as she commanded the Demons to fight in Lilim. Amenadiel and Zadkiel rushed along with the crowd as well.

Swords and blades could be seen along with inhuman supernatural abilities displayed on the battlefield. The whole place was a mess and a few bloody feathers could be seen on the ground.

Fire started to cackle around Lucifer's face and his eyes glowed as bright as flames. He enjoyed the old feeling of the heat burning into his skin as it made him feel stronger than ever. His Devil face is back yet he still doesn't want to lose that burning sensation... Because it made him feel powerful. Because without it, he felt so hopeless, powerless...

He felt pain.

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