Will You Marry Me?

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"I love you Lucifer." She said, smiling.

"I love you too." Lucifer said. "And you're the only one I want to ever be with until the end of time." Chloe smiled, but she never could've predicted what happened afterwards.

He suddenly kneeled on the ground, pulling out a ring box from his pocket. The ring was so beautiful, it looked almost as if it was made from out-of-this world.

His heart was racing, he could almost hear it beating against his chest. He took a deep breath, and then holding the ring in his hand, he proceeded to say the four most life-changing words in the English dictionary...

"Chloe Decker, will you marry me?"


Lucifer sat in the penthouse, pouring himself a shot of whiskey. He stared at it for a while before drinking it in one gulp. Then he poured himself another shot, drinking it all in one gulp as well. And one by one, he unknowingly drank two whole bottles of it, because he knows drinking can't affect him.

He wanted to play the piano but then he decided to go and lay down on his bed. He didn't have any energy to even walk to the piano. His hair was out of place, his eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his shirt was in a mess. He hated feeling so vulnerable, so sentimental, but he couldn't help it. He tried to use his powers to poof the pain away but it didn't work.

Because apparently that's not how it works.

It's your fault, the monster inside his head continued chanting. It's your fault. It's all your fault.

He got out of bed and picked up the engagement ring, throwing it across the room in frustration. Rain started pouring heavily and lightning started booming but even that couldn't drown the constant voices nagging inside his head. He wished he could've foreseen the future, but that was impossible ever since Dad created the concept of free will.


"I-I'm sorry... I can't." Chloe said, taking a step backwards.

Lucifer was dumbfounded. He put the ring box back into his pocket, trying his best not to mentally breakdown in front of Chloe. "Did... did I do something wrong?" He muttered under his breath.

"No... no, of course not." She replied, a tear rolling down her cheek. "You did everything perfectly."

"T-Then... what's the problem?" He said, standing up from the ground, trying not to crash down right at that moment.

"I just... I just can't."

"But why not?" He asked. His heart shattered.

Flashes of the time Marcus Pierce proposed resurfaced, and how she said yes but ended up realising that she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with him. Then memories of the times she had with Lucifer played through her mind. The way he made her laugh, the way he made her feel so vulnerable...

He meant so, so much more to her than Pierce, and she wanted to think the decision thoroughly before she ends up hurting him even more.

"I just... I just need more time to think." She said, walking away from the penthouse.


"Lucifer!" The angelic voice of his brother snapped him back to the present. "Luci, are you alright? I've been calling in to see how you're settling in as-" Amenadiel stopped talking when he saw his brother in such a wreck.

"Yes, doing splendidly, brother." Lucifer answered sarcastically as he went to the bar to pour another glass. "Want some?"

"Oh my... Luci, what happened!?" He asked.

"I think the word you're looking for is 'Oh my God' but..."

"LUCI!" Amenadiel snapped. He was always very persistent.

"Fine..." He bit his lip and sighed. "I finally proposed to Chloe... And as I waited for what her reaction was going to be... she replied saying that she 'just can't' and left..."

"I'm sorry brother, you must be devastated..." Amenadiel hugged Lucifer and surprisingly he didn't push him away. I have to pull myself together, Lucifer thought to himself. I can't break down in front of Amenadiel out of literally anyone else.

"I did everything right..." Lucifer's voice was sore. He hated Amenadiel to see himself in such a vulnerable state, but he couldn't stop the tears from running down his face. He felt like his heart had shattered and been stepped over for at least a dozen times.

"Shh... Luci, it's alright. Chloe just needs some time to recover from what happened with Cain but it's not your fault... I'm sure she will come around soon." Amenadiel tried to comfort his little brother.

Lucifer glanced up at his brother. "Why... why are you even doing this, Amenadiel? I'm sure you have other better things to do than comforting me." He said, sniffling.

"Because I'm your brother, Lucifer." Amenadiel said, and Lucifer smiled at his words.

[I'm terrible at writing emotional content so mind me 😅]

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