All Part of Dad's Plan

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Everything around him suddenly turned black as he went through the gates. So this must be how it all ends, Lucifer chuckles to himself. Was that what Dad meant when he said that we will figure it out ourselves?

Well, it wasn't completely black. He looked around and saw glimpses of fire glowing ever so brightly through all the darkness. The scent of ashes could be smelt, almost as if he was back in Hell.

"Your banishment. You'll die if you try to go to Heaven." Michael's voice echoed in his ears. Lucifer could almost picture him watching all of this happen over and over again like it was on replay once he ascends the throne of God, shaking his head as he mutters: "I told you so."

"It's all part of my plan." The Creator always tells this to all his little Angels when they were young.

Lucifer sighed. He wonders what it would be like to be burned into a crisp and removed entirely from existence.

"Oh my son, the Lightbringer. So full of light... that it blinds even you sometimes."

Lucifer was tired. He was mentally exhausted, and for once in his life he just wanted to go back to Lux and sleep. He let himself close his eyes and just let it go.

And for once in his life, he felt free.


Lucifer never thought that he would open his eyes again. He looked around and found himself laying down on grass. He made it to Heaven? He stood up from the ground and dusted himself. Just then, a man wearing a familiar branded suit walked to him.

"Mr. Said Out Bitch...?" The man himself smirked at Lucifer's familiar accent.

[a/n Even though it's an alternate reality I thought I should include Lee.]

"The last time I saw you, you were in Hell." Lucifer frowned. "Did I fly in the wrong place?"

"Nope, you're in Heaven alright. Or at least one of its many rooms. I'm still trying to get the lay of the land." He said. "I heard they have one entire room made out of cotton candy."

"No, that's impossible. No soul has ever made it up here from there."

Mr. Said Out Bitch shook his head. "I don't know about that, but I took your advice. I faced my family. My guilt."

"You went through that door."

"Yep, finally." He grinned. "Then BOOM, Heaven!"

"Heaven!" They laughed for a while. He could not believe he actually made it. "The detective." Lucifer mumbled.

"Ah, don't worry, she's here." He grinned. "And there's also someone else who wants to meet you. Come on."

"What... what are you doing?" Lucifer asked.

"Hey, you helped me." He said. "Now let me help you."

Lucifer followed him along the rocky path and over there under an apple tree sat the Creator of the Universe, wearing a white shirt and trousers with socks and sandals.

"Good to see you Lee." God waved at him.

"Hello Your Highness." Lee bowed. "Well, I'll leave you two be now." He walked out of the garden to give them time together.

"Samael." The Creator called his name.

"Dad...?" Lucifer could hardly believe his eyes. "Didn't you just went off to another universe with Mom a few days ago? And also how am I not burnt into a crisp right now?"

"I still have one more thing to take care of before I leave." He announced, taking a step closer to him.

"Oh, I see. You finally came to name your successor, aren't you? Well there's no need for that, I decided to give the throne to Michael." Lucifer said. "And there's no point in being God anyway, he..." He paused.

"... He killed the detective." Lucifer tried not to let idiotic feelings such as emotions get to him. Taking another deep breath, he continued. "He won."

"But what's the point in telling you all this? You are omnipotent and all-knowing anyways." He chuckled.

"I know." God said. "You've grown so much, Samael..." He said proudly, putting a hand on Lucifer's shoulder. "I don't want you to ever forget anything you learned on Earth when you become God."

"...What?" Lucifer frowned in confusion.

"And also, before I go..." He gestured to his right. A bright light suddenly appeared, and that light turned out to be none other than Chloe Jane Decker.

"C-Chloe?" Lucifer's eyes widen with surprise.

"Hello, Lucifer." Chloe smiled. She wore a gorgeous white dress along with the bullet necklace he gave her quite a long time ago.

"You look... Heaven-sent." Lucifer said, which made Chloe smile even more. He couldn't help but wrap her around his arms and kiss her on the forehead.

"I love you, Chloe Decker."

"I love you too." She replied.

"Thank you, Dad." Lucifer went forward to hug his father.

"I guess my work on Earth is finished now." God smiled. "Goodbye, Samael." He snapped his finger and then everything around them started spinning, the ground started violently shaking. Chloe held Lucifer's hand for support as they shut their eyes once more.


The blood from Chloe's earlier dead body vanished and she exhaled as her eyes shot wide open in all of a sudden. Michael's was stunned as he saw Chloe trying to stand up from the ground as if nothing had happened and she hadn't just been impaled with Zadkiel's staff. Michael heard wings flap as he turned around to find Lucifer standing behind him.

Using the power of Amenadiel's necklace, she punched Michael back against the wall, knocking the blade out of his hands.

"How-" Michael had lots of unanswered questions.

Lucifer then placed the last piece to assemble the Flaming Sword. Michael kneeled down on the ground, accepting his defeat. Lucifer waved it up as he took a deep breathe and cut Michael's wings. Memories of when Maze cut his own wings resurfaced. Michael screamed in agony.

"No more killing. Everyone deserves a second chance... even you, Michael." Lucifer muttered.

Now everyone was staring at him intently and Lucifer finally turned towards them. He was just as confused as Chloe.

What now...?

Amenadiel kneeled down on one knee, smiling proudly at his brother. One by one all his siblings, along with Maze, Eve and the demons were all kneeling down at him. Chloe looked happily at the love of her life becoming the Ruler of the Universe. Yes, she was nervous about it before, but now, she felt so happy for him.

Lucifer never believed in fairy tales or happy endings, but now that he was actually living in one, it almost felt too good to be true. He laughed nervously as he raised the Flaming Sword.

He didn't know what to say.

"Oh my me!" He blurted out, smiling.

Dad and his mysterious ways, Lucifer smirked.

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