As Everything Should Be

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"Finally Charlie's asleep," Linda sighed in relief as she walked over to the sofa.

Luce, Chloe, Beatrix, Michael, Ella, Maze, Eve and Amenadiel were already sitting there as they watched the hit show Diablo on TV. They had blasted through several seasons of the series. They enjoyed the devilled eggs Ella brought.

"Aww, thanks guys, glad you like it. I can bring more, if we do this again." Ella said, and the group nodded eagerly. "Really sorry again Decker, should've told you that Dan warned about Michael." She sighed and shot a glare at the Archangel, who only gulped in response.

"No worries, Ella. Not your fault,"Chloe said as she poured herself a glass of wine. Which only made Michael feel even more guilty.

"So please tell me you guys are engaged now," Linda turned to Chloe and Lucifer. She has to admit that they have one of the cutest relationships ever.

"Yup," Chloe smiled as she showed them the ring. "We're thinking of holding the wedding in June."

"Ooh, so summer wedding?" Trixie bounced happily.

"Uh-huh," Lucifer replied, grinning. "Which reminds me, Amenadiel, would you like to be the best man? It's not your sort of thing but-"

"Sure, Lucy." Amenadiel agreed almost immediately. "It'd be an honor." It was unbelievable that only years ago had Amenadiel wanted to send his brother to Hell, and now was the best man of his wedding.

Suddenly a loud bang rang in their ears and they turned towards the TV screen. Detective Dancer was lying on the ground and Diablo scurried towards her side, covering her from the crash. She smiled as he helped her out from the floor.

"Diablo, you saved my life." Detective Dancer thanked him, smiling while she tidied her hair.

"I love you, detective." He gazed into her crystal blue eyes, the smile that he reserves for her and her only plastered on his face.

"I love you too."

Everyone smiled at the scene. "Aww, who knew Lucifer was such a softie," Maze teased.

Eve glided a finger across Maze's face and gazed into her eyes, causing her to blush. "Well, who knew the demon could be a softie as well," Eve added, smirking.

Suddenly, another loud crash came from the TV. A man wearing a black hoodie and a grey t-shirt barged into the room with a weapon in hand, disrupting Detective Dancer and Diablo's momentum. The huge artificial scar across the man's face made him look all the more scary.

"Who's that?" Trixie asked.

They gestured towards Michael and he frowned in confusion as he didn't seem to get why they were all staring at him. "What?" Michael asked, not getting it.

"Mikael!" Detective Dancer's high-pitched voice filled the room.

"Mikael?" Michael questioned. "Wait a minute- that depressing, gloomy looking man wearing a hideous hoodie... is supposed to be an impersonation of me!?" He looked around the room and awaited for an answer.

Everyone bursted into laughter and giggles. "Oh come on! You can't be serious! 'Mikael', really!? And just don't get me started on the terrible outfit choices! This is torture!" He huffed and crossed his arms in front of him.

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