What is This Place

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Fenner wakes up from the strike. "God... My head... Where am I now? First, it was Germany... Now this." He looked around 

Faint whirring of old city lights was heard as there were few functioning city lights

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Faint whirring of old city lights was heard as there were few functioning city lights. Fenner moved the night vision down onto his face, the area lighting up with a reddish tone. He grabs out his Walther P87 and patrols the streets.

"This place really is cold... It's all snow. Snow... Snow... And more snow." He continued walking around the area, coming across a tower of corpses, "Are these... Humans? No... Those aren't humans. Those are robots. Wait- what year is it? In Germany, it was 2110... I don't know this year though..."

He decides to go into the tower, seeing random scrap everywhere and random corpses "This place reminds me of war. Fallen soldiers everywhere.". He then walks out of the tower, seeing a small gate in the distance, walking towards it.

With temperatures getting lower, he reaches the gate. He bangs on the door three times, "Hello! Anybody home?" The gate opens with a couple of blue glowing eyes appearing, "Who... Are you?" it asks, "My name is Fenner. I'm from The German Military Ground Forces, or GMGF for short. You can check my identification hologram to see it all." He reached into his pocket, grabbing a small device, holding it out with a small hologram of himself and a small screen of text appearing out the top.

"You're a human? But humans died..." it says. "Yes... I'm a human... Why? What happened?" Fenner replies. "The planet had a core meltdown or something a few years back, all the humans had died. JCJenson then sent out these drone things to come and kill us. And we've been here ever since. We can't live a normal life." it says. "Drones...? I could perhaps help with this..." Fenner thought to himself. "Well, may I come inside? It's freezing like Stalingrad out here." Fenner asks. "Oh uh. Sure. What's Stalingrad?" it asks. "An old Russian area involved in a war. Attackers froze or starved due to being unprepared." Fenner says as he walked in.

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