Among the Stars

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Fenner had woken up after a short break, seeing he had been reverted to his normal self.

"I don't understand any of this..." Fenner says to himself, standing up and looking into a mirror.

Fenner saw that he had what looked to be an artificial eye

Fenner was still able to see the HUD he had while he was a Disassembly Drone

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Fenner was still able to see the HUD he had while he was a Disassembly Drone.

And his equipment seems to have changed. From being a Winter camouflage, to now a dark black camouflage.

Fenner then walks to the outside, seeing N, V, Tessa, J, and Uzi.

They were all chatting about something, but Fenner couldn't entirely hear it.

He approaches the group, as they all saw him.

"Oh, hey Fenner. You're looking... Like yourself again." Uzi says.

"Yeah... I will never understand how this works. But, atleast I'm back to my normal self. Kind of." Fenner says, shrugging.

Then, he heard the voice he spoke to during his arrival for the first time in forever.

"Fenner. I am afraid... It's time to go. This planet no longer requires protection, for the meantime atleast. You might be returned to fight alongside your friends again, but for now... We have to leave." The voice says.

Fenner then felt like a truck had hit his emotions as he just stands there.

"... You alright Fenner?.." N asks.

"I-... Apparently, I have to go now..." Fenner says.

"Wait what-... But-..." Uzi says frantically.

"Fenner, you will be able to speak to your friends through the messaging system in your artificial eye. And, if you ever want to, you can call them to be alongside you whenever." The voice says.

"That's a relief I suppose..." Fenner replies, looking amongst the group.

"Well... I guess this is goodbye, for now." Fenner speaks to the group.

Uzi walks over, kind of just hugging Fenner.

Fenner started feeling slightly awkward.

"Ooookay then... Well, goodbye now." Fenner says.

"We will miss you." N says.

"Oh and also, the same way you get out is the same way you got in. That lightning strike." The voice says.

"Wait wh-" Fenner says before getting cut off by the lightning strike, which knocked him unconscious.

He appears in the emptiness of space, now near what looked to be a damaged planet.

Kind of like this:

Fenner is just there, unconscious

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Fenner is just there, unconscious. Drifting through space slowly.



Then, in the distance of space, a spacecraft can be seen as it flies towards Fenner.

This marks the end of an amazing journey. Fenner has seen enough of Copper-9, and I am getting bored. I would finish after the recent episode, Mass Destruction. But, this book has gone a long way already. With not so good views across the book.

Part of me assumes, 90% of you don't want a main character that is immune to every possible thing. Which is why, I am not doing anything 💀



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