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Just to get you ahead of questioning, the part is called "Pilot" because I am going to be recreating the entire episode of Pilot with a few adjustments. This will be the same for every episode up until Episode 4. Then I'll be going from there until a new episode is released.

And before we start, Uzi had asked Fenner if he would like to join the classroom, which he said yes.

*Skipping the Intro to the first bit of speech that gives a character Screentime, AKA, the Classroom*

"But what have our parents done for the past forever while those things build a spire of corpses?!" Uzi had shouted in the classroom while pressing a small button bringing up a second screen "Hide under the ice behind 3 stupid doors. It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident!" Uzi says as she calms down again. "Anyway, that's why my project is this Sick-as-Hell Railgun!" She said excitedly while grabbing the railgun. All the students had gasped at the sighting of the Railgun, but Fenner sat in the back of the class with a disappointed look. "So not the vibe." One of the classmates said, "Easy morons. It doesn't work. Yet! It doesn't work yet! Who said it doesn't work, maybe it does!" Uzi had flipped a switch causing the railgun to turn a green light before pointing it into the classroom. The teacher yawned before talking "Uzi, the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons." He said as he tapped the desk "Oh, and this ally amplified photon converger doesn't count?" Uzi had replied. "No, plus repressed emotional baggage was only worth two points on the rubric, and is it meant to be that color?" The teacher had said, Uzi looked down at the railgun seeing it was a red color. "JESUS! EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Fenner had yelled out before the railgun had let out an explosion, sending everyone back and injuring a few people, Uzi and Fenner especially.

Fenner and Uzi are now in the Med bay, some other drones saying, "Ew, it didn't kill her." They began running off "Oh my god that was so bad". Fenner held where he was struck when the railgun exploded before a small symbol appeared on his hand "Ah! Shit." he covered his hand, with the strike soon healing "The hell?" He thought to himself, "Fenner? You alright?" Uzi had asked Fenner "Yeah, yeah. Just saw I had some blood on my hand." As this was an obvious lie, Uzi didn't care. Some other drone starts walking in "Classic toxic masculinity Chad, that's never gonna end up problematic." The drone says before looking at Uzi "Oh wow, Uzi I heard you-" He said before Uzi cut him off "I'm an angsty teen Thad, bite me. Also, how do you know my name? People willingly talk to you." Thad chuckles "Well? I'd say everyone knows Khan's daughter, but uh, then you might blow the other side of your face off." he says after. Fenner just listened to this, still covering his hand checking to see if the symbol was gone. "Crippling daddy issues, hilarious. What are you in for? Testosterone too hard?" Uzi said, with Thad replying "That can happen? Awesome. Hey, those bandages look pretty badass.". Fenner leaned forward with a "WTF" look towards Thad, "Oh, ew. Gross. I hate that you said that." Uzi says to Thad, Fenner leaning back again. "So, what's the" Thad asks before being cut off by Uzi again "Sick-As-Hell railgun! Sci-Fi nonsense, that super works! I'm sneaking to the murder drone lair there tonight to get the last spare part I need to save the world with it and earn my dad's respect and stuff, but mostly the world part." Uzi said while standing up on the chair "Oh, but doesn't your dad make awesome doors, so we don't have to... do? That scary sounding emotionally repressed stuff you just said?" Thad asks before getting a railgun pressed against his face "No more feedback on my repression today!" Uzi shouted to Thad, Thad replying "No, I'm sorry! I didn't think." Thad had said, Uzi taking the railgun away and walking out of the Med Bay "Bite me! I'm not mad at you by the way, just generally hormonal." Uzi said before walking away, Fenner following behind.

The time was now 3AM and Fenner was leaning against the wall nearby the first door, with Uzi walking by with an Omni-Card-like keycard in her hand. Fenner steps out of the way, with Uzi scanning the card against the reader and the door opening, Khan being right there "Oh Robo-Jesus!" "Oh, My God!" Fenner and Uzi said at the same time, both jumping back, "And where might you be off to?" Khan asked Uzi, "Mmmm... Sneaking out to make out with my boyfriend that I definitely have?" Uzi replies with Fenner looking at her with a weird look, Khan laughing before saying "Seriously though.", Uzi replying "Okay, Okay you caught me. I need to measure the exterior hydraulic mechanisms of Door 1! Because... That's the project, I'm working on for school! A big old door! Just like my old man built." Khan gave her a look of doubt "I wanna join the WDF and hide behind doors like cowards while playing cards and stuff." Uzi adds on. "Well, we don't just play cards." Khan is soon interrupted by a door behind him opening "Khan! Can you grab a fresh pack! We literally only played cards so much the numbers are faded. Oh, hey Uzi." One had said, Uzi giving a weak wave while chuckling before Khan closes the door, "Well, when you build doors so good." Khan runs to a door "Good door, good door. There's no need to fight. Uzi, this is great news. Here, the wrench I used to tighten bolts on my first door prototypes, and to put your mother outta her misery when the murder drones got to her with nanite acid, I want you to have it." Khan gives Uzi the wrench "Neat. Therapy's fun.". The door behind Khan opened "Guys! My daughter is into doors!" The worker drones playing cards start cheering before the door to the outside opens "Ah come on.", "She's gonna be outside for a bit to examine the exterior of Door 1. Your door specific destiny awaits." Uzi and Fenner walk by "Wow. Okay. I just gonna leave then. Cause, this worked so weirdly well, uh go doors!" Uzi and Fenner were now outside before the door had closed. "Your father is real weird." Fenner said to Uzi "Yeah, I know."

After walking for a while, Uzi steps on a worker drones head by accident, both Fenner and Uzi looking up and seeing the spire. "I was already here..." Fenner said as they both walked into the tower. "Alright, let's split up I guess." Fenner walked off elsewhere to scavenge. After a while, Uzi had found a glowing object before the area turned dark "Ah jeez." Fenner got down onto his stomach and kept his head low before a murder drone had landed against the thing they had landed in, Uzi looking at the drone on a piece of broken glass before the Murder Drones visor showed an >< like symbol, Uzi running out from the cover and grabbing the Railgun, throwing the green object in the air and taking something else out of the railgun, catching the green object and sticking it on the railgun, aiming forward. Soon being blasted back by a shockwave, getting a flip in the air and landing back down. Soon getting jumped by the murder drone and stabbed in the hand by the tail and thrown around, Fenner running up behind it and grabbing a knife "Surprise Attack!" He began stabbing the murder drone multiple times, before getting stabbed in the stomach by the tail "AH! OW! GOD!" He fell to the floor and held the wound "God...", Uzi soon grabbing the railgun and blasting the Murder drones head off and running to Fenner "Fenner! You okay?", "DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT?" Fenner replied while applying pressure to the wound "Ow..."

The murder drone was rising back up with its head regenerating, Uzi running to grab an arm and hit the head of the drone, the drones visor turning on. "Did you just a I'll slap me with that arm?" the drone said "Holy crap it talks." Uzi replied. Skip a few minutes later to after the Murder Drone break in while N was on the floor A symbol appeared on Fenner's hand again soon healing the wound "What the.. I can heal myself? Cool." Fenner thought to himself getting up and walking to where N was, "Well. What just happened while I was bleeding out on the floor." Fenner asked, "N got hit with a virus. And, how are you back up?" Uzi replied, "Well... Let's just say I'm different." Fenner said. N got up, Uzi and N running to the evacuation spot "Seriously? For god sakes." Fenner said as they left and began chasing after.

Before Fenner had reached the spot, everyone was already fighting "Man... I wanted to fight someone." Fenner said as he began leaning on one of the doorframe sides. N had been launched to a crate near Fenner "Oh, hey N. What- GOOD LORD!" Fenner ducked as a beam of light went over the head, N ducking too but soon a missile getting launched nearby "Whoops." Fenner went behind the doorframe. After a few seconds, Fenner peeked behind the door again seeing Uzi have some trouble with J, grabbing his MG98. "HEY SHOCKFACE!" he yelled out to J aiming at the drone, J turning around seeing the machine gun while Fenner had pulled the trigger, blasting a beam of bullets towards J "YOU GET A BULLET! AND YOU GET A BULLET!" He let out a laugh while switching aim towards V after bombarding J with bullets, both of the drones falling to the ground still alive, but J getting killed by the railgun.

Fenner got onto his knees looking at his hands "HAHA! I KNOCKED 3 DOWN NOW!" he shouted out, Uzi falling down by N catching her quickly Epicly skips the banish speech

After Fenner, Uzi, V and N had gotten back to the spire, Uzi and Fenner were outside nearby a car with N shouting from the spire "I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me. Hope you're having important character growth or something though!", Uzi getting up from the car and replying "Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on earth, because we're coming for them."

yeah thats the end of pilot but modified

*epic 1781 words later*

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