Info 'bout you

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Name: (M/N) (L/N)

Nicknames: Sleepy~Kun, (N/N),

Age: 15 - 16(your a first year)

Height: 5'

Eye color: (E/C)

Eye- shape? Style?: (E/S)

Hair color: (H/C)

Hair style: (H/S)

Skin color: (S/C)

Likes: cats, coffee, strawberry shortcake, sleeping, (your likes)

Dislikes: crowds, math, perfume, snakes, (you're dislikes)

- He's a bit of a clean freak.
- forgets peoples names alot.
- watches anime.
- Can bake.
- No matter how much he sleeps he is always tired...
- (somethin' 'bout you)

(A/N): he's gonna be half japanese, i'll let you people vote for the other half.

- Russian

- Amerikan

- German

- Spanish

- Chinese

(Pls choose Spanish...)


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