chapter 1

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There stood a boy in front of Ouran Academy, he had a small figuire and a frown on his face. He looked with disgust at the school...

"Its pink... just why?" He said with a tired tone.

He ran his hand through his (H/C) hair, he noticed the stairing from others.

He ignored it and continued to walk to the entrance.



I wanna go back to sleeeeep...
Why did sis have to wake me up.

I entered the classroom, some people noticed me enter and staired, others didn't.

Ah, theres a seat right in the back corner, and not by the window.

Finaly i can go back to sleep....

"Oh! You're new!" Someone said to me.

I ignored it.

"Hey! Don't ignore us!" Another said at my side.

"Ugh.. what do you want?" I asked while i opend my eyes, to reveal a pair of twins.

"Whats your name?" They said.

"(M/N) (L/N)" i told them with a sigh.

"Wel i'm Kaoru"

And i'm Hikaru"

And we're the Hitachiin twins!" They said proudly.

"Yeah no sh*t, now let me sleep." I said while laying my head down again.

"Nope" -Hikaru?

"Still gonna sleep."

"Come on thats boring!" -Kaoru?

"Your boring."

"Heyyy!" He whined.

"Go back to your seats the teacher is here."

"How do you even know that?"- Hikaru

"I saw."

"But you're eyes are closed?"- Kaoru

"Just go away."

"Finee." One said.


I saw the twins talking to a small boy, i've not seen him here before.

I looked back and saw that the boy was now asleep, how can he fall asleep so fast?

I'll wake him when the lesson is over....


The lesson was over so i walked over to the boy.

"Uhm... hey the lesson is over, wake up."


"Hello? Wake up!"

"I'm awake..."


Wait a second...


"Hm? Oh, hey haruhi... why are you wairing the boys uniform?"

Oh no... he already knows i'm a girl, their gonna force him to join...

Lets hope they don't notice...

•The Sleepy Type•(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now