Troubles Begin...

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A few weeks later, my dad came into the house and said that he had lost his job because his boss, or should I say ex-boss, accused him of having stolen some of the company's documents and shared them with another company, due to which all the ideas had been stolen and business had been slow. Of course, we didn't believe it when he said that he had been accused of stealing from the company, or that he shared any private information with another company because we knew that he wasn't guilṭy and that he was pure at heart. To our support luckily, we had our neighbors.

In a few weeks, or should I say in a couple of months, our financial condition grew to become very bad. We couldn't pay our bills, get enough food, or go and enjoy something outside, like how we did earlier. This did make us a bit upset, and we had to sell our belongings to fit our needs. At the time, my mum wasn't working anywhere, which sort of made matters worse.

Soon, my parents began to limit the people who would come to my house to read, write, or do their homework, because they did feel humiliated. I mean, I can't explain how bad of a situation it was in words - it was too painful, and there would be too much to account for. But I did it at some point; in my secret diary, which no one read, because there was no one to share my feelings with, because everyone around me was equally sad, or they weren't helping. Sharing things by writing them all out in my diary sort of calmed me. You do need a soothing feeling from somewhere to be brave in such a troubling time, just like I was (do mind, my being brave is only my point of view). I will share a few pages from my old diary in this book so that you can understand more.

But little did I know that this situation would be a turning point in my life...

Question - What are some things that led to your success, or something that helped you to find out what you like best?

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