Let's Put our Thinking Caps On!

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Well, you need to find a solution to any problem. You can't keep this "visitor" to stay for too long, can you? That's when another "visitor" will decide to come by and visit. More problems would arise then, and you wouldn't know what the worst of each could be - good or bad. You can never pre-know the outcome of anything that happens. You can never know the intentions that caused it. It is YOUR life, and indeed, you've got a very short life. So YOU, have to be the reason to shine your life (if anyone else does too, it's fine - you should just have a happy life), no matter the problems that come by. YOU should decide when a problem has to expire. You shouldn't be a cause of threat or harm to anyone, instead, try and be a rainbow in someone else's cloud. Yes - I'm serious. They are your fellow beings, with short lifespans too - you never know when someone's time will be up. So let them make the most of their lives, and you too should let them enjoy it.

Anyway, back to the story...

After a few days, my mum conducted a family meeting. All of us were present there - me, my mum and dad, and my sister. We all were hopeless with our situation, not knowing what would happen next. My parents would only worry about what would become of me and my sister, while we worried if anyone would bully us, about food and water, and about anything else any teenager would worry about. 

We were all aching our heads to think of a plan. I suggested, which would be to try and figure out who stole the documents and shared them with the other company, to try and get Dad's job back. Of course, this was very important, but Mum, Dad, and my sister agreed that it would be hard to hatch up a plan in time and that we needed to focus on the present and try to get ourselves a living to support ourselves. I did agree with them as well, though secretly I decided to get to the bottom of it, on my own. 

My mum suggested dad try and get a job elsewhere to try and get a living (she was already working someplace else) but we didn't agree to this one either. After all, we knew that Dad wouldn't be accepted anywhere because some people still suspected him of theft.  

Dad didn't suggest any ideas because he said that it was due to sheer luck that he wasn't called into prison, though my family denied his statement, and my sister said that they didn't send him to prison because they knew that Dad wouldn't do such a thing and that the police didn't have any evidence. Dad actively said a big 'NO!' to this. He said that they would get some evidence, somehow, sighing deeply. 

I knew my sister could brainstorm at any event, and I just hoped that she'd give us a good idea that wouldn't fail; which could be worked upon. She hatched up a plan just as creative, (even today, I think about how I didn't hatch the plan instead of her!!). She rose and said, 'I've got a better plan. You know about how children come to Noony to get help with their homework and to read, and that we've been allowing all this for free. I can only suggest, but how about we set a small fee for these things, based on their interest level? We could set up regular sessions to learn something and complete homework, provided a small fee. As for the written work, we could set the fee according to the interest level, and we could increase the price if the book is part of a series - any later book from it could have a higher fee! That way, Tuna's dream of becoming a writer could be accomplished, and we could earn some money, too. That way, Dad wouldn't have to step out of the house either, and we could also slowly advance into getting more knowledge on the theft!'

'Maggie! That's brilliant! Oh - I've raised such geniuses in the house! Oh - Too-Na-Na! (that's what Mum calls me) I never knew that your writing talent would be so useful to us! Let us follow Maggie's plan!' mum said. Margaret beamed, while Dad and I smiled. I was so proud of my little sister at that moment! She was such a wise person, so smart! Sure, we did fight a lot now and then, but we used this as an opportunity to set our differences apart and try to get to know each other better. I was a bit nervous to say all about this to my readers, but I had decided that it was for the better, that my work would do good to the family, and that my parents would finally have a reason to be proud of my work. 

So that settled it - we were going to follow Margaret's plan.

But little did I know that Maggie's plan would change us... 


Question - Who is someone that you are very thankful for having in your life?

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