Chapter 18: Surprise before heaing back home

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"Kids, we haven't told you the whole truth." Gina, Zac, Dylan and I looked confused at my dad. "What?", we all said at once. "We aren't going home yet." "What do you mean?" "You all go to bed as soon as we are in the hotel, because we have to get up very early tomorrow. It'll be a long day at Disneyland!", Mom said. Our jaws dropped! We all started grinning and hugging our parents, while Gina squealed and jumped around. We all love Disney and so we were so looking forward to Disneyland in Paris!

Our mom was right when she said we would have to get up early. "Early" wasn't even early enough! As soon as we were at least half awake, we went to have breakfast and right after that we got into our taxi taking us to the park. Of course I found time to tell Delly what we are going to do today but she didn't text back yet. It was too early, she would probably sleep in.
The whole family was excited and so we were in an amazing mood.
"Oh look, there's Mickey!", Gina screamed and run toward Mickey Mouse to take some pictures. "Now get in there, too, guys!", Mom said, so Dylan, Zac and I went after her to take a group picture. "Merci", I said after she maid the photo and gave Mickey a kiss and luckily mom caught that moment with her camera. After the Ferris wheel, roller coasters and some other attractions, we got hungry and started looking for something to eat. As always there was this huge discussion about where and what we are going to eat. Gina wanted pizza, Zac wanted some burgers, mom something healthy and Dylan and I tried to stay out of that. Finally we found a nice little restaurant that had everything we wished for. Zac and Gina got what they wanted, mom got her salad, dad his soup, Dylan took a burger as well and I chose a pizza.
After we had our lunch, we continued walking around and having fun until in the evening when we were waiting for the show and the fireworks. I took some more photos when suddenly the music started. One after another all the great Disney characters came on stage. There was the beast with Belle, Arielle and Eric, Jasmine and Aladdin, Snow White and sleeping beauty with their princes, the 7 dwarves, Mulan, Tiana and of course: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto and so on. The show was great. They had fire and water and then the fireworks joined. I loved the view of the spectacular colors. I enjoyed taking photos and decided to send them to the Lynches as soon as I could.
A few minutes later it was over and we headed back to the beginning of the park to get to the hotel. "Did you all enjoy your day?"' Mom asked. "It was wonderful.", I said giving her a kiss. The others nodded. "We're not going to the same hotel now. We have another one booked for this night. It's nearer to the airport. Our luggage was brought there by taxi. Come on guys, we have to go this way to the bus that brings us to the hotel!" We all were tired and hardly spoke to each other on the way back to our hotel. I was still thinking about this wonderful day. I had so much fun and I just love Disney! But there was something else on my mind. 9 people, brown, black and blonde haired. Especially the youngest blonde totally mixed me up.

Next day was very chaotic. After Dylan and Zac overslept they were late for breakfast and that led to us being late for our shuttle to the airport. Finally we got everything into the shuttle we were stuck in the early traffic. Dad was very nervous but it was nothing compared to mum, who totally freaked out. Luckily we arrived at the airport pretty much in time and we could check in quickly. While we were sitting around waiting for boarding I plugged my earphones in and listened to some music. "You were a business, I was a start up. You were like high speed, I was a dial up. I needed coffin, you were a Starbucks, a Starbucks." I love that song! After "Things are looking up" and a few other songs we finally were allowed to board our airplane. I was a bit sad about the fact, that we had to leave France. Right after we were up in the air, my siblings and I chose some movies to watch and soon everybody was into reading, listening to music or watching movies. I scrolled through the list of all the movies they offered and I stopped at some interesting ones. Then there was one cover that I knew very well and made me smile. "Hey Bri, isn't that Teen Beach Movie?", Gina asked. "Yes, it is." Both of us grinned and I pressed the play-button. While watching it I couldn't stop thinking about the time with the Lynches and especially about that one boy, that is singing and dancing right in front of my nose.

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